Page 65 of Run to You
“First, let me thank you all for coming. It’s been thrilling to be part of this project. The Olivia Jeffries Foundation aims to set up shelters and services for at-risk youth all over the country.” Nina took Rowan’s hand and blinked against tears. “Their work is incredible and you need to open your wallets. Trust me on this: it will place you on the right side of history when the young people saved grow up to be productive members of society.”
There was applause throughout the room. Natalia gave a megawatt smile and her blue eyes sparkled. “The musician you’re about to hear is a special treat. At the tender age of seventeen, she’s performed all over the world and when I learned she was going to be in New York at the same time as the benefit, Ibeggedher to play for us. You have no idea how lucky you are...but you will. Please give Anna-Sophia Giannopoulos a warm welcome.”
A lovely young woman ascended to the stage, pressed her cheek to Natalia’s, and lowered to a chair. She positioned her cello and began to play.
After a few notes, Rowan whispered, “She’smagical…”
“I don’t know anything about classical music but that makes my heart pound,” Nina whispered back.
Half an hour later, the final note hung in the air. As it faded, the girl lifted her head, smiled, and stood. The room erupted in applause.
“Seventeen? How?” Gage asked in shock.
The four of them were chatting softly in a small alcove when Nina smelled a perfume she knew well. Stiffening, she turned slowly as James instantly sealed himself to her side.
A blonde woman stood in front of her and Nina would have known her anywhere.
Farrah Kane smiled cheerfully. “Nina, darling.”
Tilting her head, Nina said in a low voice, “Psycho cunt. If you think I wouldhesitateto gut you from pussy to throat in the middle of this fancy affair, I assure you...I don’t mind blood or attention.”
James’ body heat radiated against her bare skin but he didn’t intervene. He knew she didn’t need him.
Not in this.
“That’svulgar, darling. I taught you better manners.” Farrah winked. “It made you so very popular with my clientele.”
Slipping her hand along James’ waist, Nina removed the slim blade from his low back. “It will also make me a sympathetic figure during my trial. You won’t get another opportunity to sit in a courtroom for your crimes.”
“You were always unnaturally aggressive, Nina. A nasty little animal despite all your etiquette training. Your elfin figure belies the gutter snipe beneath it.” Leaning forward, she whispered, “That’s no way to speak to yourmother.”
Nina laughed. It took the other woman off guard. “I always suspected it. Howfunthat I’ll be the one to bleed you out. Is it a tragedy? A comedy? Hard to say. It has a Shakespearean vibe the public will absolutely devour.”
“You’d rot in prison for revenge?”
“No, no. The time I spent in jail would be minimal. I believe part of your sentencing and early release was a requirement that you never contact me again in your lifetime. There was no statute of limitations. I’ve read the transcripts front to back. Approaching me is a violation of your parole.”
Lowering the hand with the knife to her thigh, the weapon concealed in her skirts, she whispered, “So, I’d release a scream about you trying to hurt me again before I opened you up. By the time your insides were hitting the floor, I would behystericalin my husband’s arms.” Nina snapped her teeth. “I’m anexcellentactress. Shall we?”
There was a tic beneath Farrah’s eye. “Then you’d never have the chance to rescue your little sister, Nina. She’s only fourteen so I imagine such a thing wouldhauntyou.” Nina stilled. The woman smiled through gritted teeth. “She escaped but I know where she is.”
“You never stopped…”
“I had locations like the one in Dallas in other cities. Leah is such aprettything. Not like you - not like your twins - but lovely. You were born in April...she was born in May fifteen years later. You don’t have the same fathers. That’s why my darling took her. He doesn’t like to risk disabilities by fucking his own children.” She chuckled. “He fucksotherpeople’s children once they’re old enough to breed for him.”
“You and Winston Winters,” Nina hissed. The woman’s eyes went wide. “A couple who rapes across the world and sells children.”
“H-how do you know his name…?”
“I knowmanythings, Farrah. You see,” Nina stepped close, “my husband alreadyfoundLeah. The organization we do consultations with picked her up days ago. You’ll never see her or hurt her again. Yourdarling? He is going tobleedfor what he’s done.” She winked. “You first.”
Changing her expression to one of horror, Nina screamed, “No! No! Get away from me! Please!” Then she drove the knife into Farrah’s abdomen and dragged the blade up. “Rot in hell, you monster.”
After releasing the hilt, Nina watched the woman collapse. Several people rushed to the alcove.
Nina turned to James. Sobbing loudly, she rambled, “I-I’m sorry! I can’t let her take me! I can’t let her take our girls.”
They were surrounded by security and the area was blocked from the rest of the ballroom.