Page 19 of Dreaming
He took her to plays, concerts, and art exhibits. No VIP room in Chicago was out of reach if they felt like dancing. He knew everyone and they knew him.
Arm around her, he introduced Nia with pride. “This is my brilliant and beautiful Nia…”
Over time, establishments they frequented started greeting her by name as well.
Sometimes, they’d grab dinner from a food truck and sit in his car talking while they people watched.
“Big Cane! I’m gonna need two fish baskets but we’re eating in the car. Too damn cold out here!”
“Sure thing, Den! Hey again, Ms. Nia. Y’all want it extra spicy?” Pointing tongs at Dennis, Cane said, “I’d be careful. With your lady, you might overdose on spice.”
“What a way to go though, man.”
“I hear you. I hear you. Give me five and I’ll bring it over to the car.” A few minutes later, he tapped on the window and Dennis rolled it down. “Put a couple biscuits in there and some pecan pie the missus whipped up.”
“You’re a good man, Cane. Stay warm.” He pressed a large bill into his hand and the man tipped him a salute before hustling back to the heated food truck. “We got the chicken last time but you have to try the catfish, Nia.”
One bite and she moaned, “Oh, good lord…”
He laughed happily. “I told you!”
Every moment with Dennis was an experience that felt new, different from anything she’d done before and it highlighted how much time she’d spent alone before meeting him.
He changed Nia, made her bolder, even as he fulfilled her.
Driving back from a concert one night, she loosened her seatbelt and leaned against his shoulder over the console. Slipping her hand down his torso, she stroked her palm over the outline of his cock and down to cup his balls.
At his ear, she whispered, “I haven’t had you in my mouth for days…I need it and I can’t wait.” She carefully unbuckled his belt and opened his pants. “So hard and hot already.”
Hoarsely, he groaned, “I don’t know if I can take it, Nia…”
“Don’t crash, babe.” Moving her hand inside his boxers, she sighed as she stroked him skin to skin. “Pull over if you need to. I really need you to come down my throat.”
Kissing his cheek, she moved his clothes away enough to pull his cock free. “Look at that cock throbbing for me. It makes my mouth water, Dennis.”
Then she bent over his lap and suckled the head. Gasping her name, she felt him pull off the highway and park. His fingers went into her hair, tugging it gently at the base of her neck.
Releasing him with a soft pop, she raised herself to kiss him almost violently. Staring into his eyes, sparkling in the lights from the rest area, she whispered, “Give it to me, Dennis.”
Moaning around the head, she took the first couple of inches and he lost control with a sharp inhale.
Nia drank him down, sucked his skin clean, and kissed the head as she straightened his clothes. Sitting up, she murmured, “I should do that while you’re standing so you can watch.”
“I’d probably collapse…”
She kissed his lips and returned to her seat. “When you’re recovered, let’s go back to your place, Dennis.” Turning her head on the seat to look at him, she winked. “I love your couch.”
“The perfect location for you to sit on my face.” She tugged her lower lip between her teeth with a slow nod. His palm went to her inner thigh and he squeezed it softly. “I like you soaked when you climb over my mouth, babe.”
Without a word, she removed her knee-high boots and worked her tights from under her skirt. Dropping them on the floor, she returned for her panties. Moving the hem to her hips, she rested her back against the door with her knee against the console.
Licking his fingertips, he reached out to fondle her clit with a glazed expression. She replaced his fingers with her own and he lifted his eyes. He panted softly.
“You drive, Dennis.”