Page 48 of Dreaming
“No, Nia. Hollow said…”
“I have to, Dennis.” Nia closed her eyes and started again. “She’s the reason my cover was blown. She did it deliberately, through her boyfriend. He spoke to one of the men who entered your bar that night less than half an hour before he held a gun to your head.”
Nellie held up the pad and Nia explained, “Nicole’s boyfriend. His cell phone number, his date of birth, and the number of calls to the people who planned to kill you, me, and likely everyone in your bar.”
Her mom asked, “You didn’t know how the number connected?”
Nia shook her head. “It was a straggler. The end of an equation that didn’t belong anywhere. It happens sometimes and you know it drives me insane. The boyfriend only had contact with the shooter for three days so I’m uncertain how he was linked to-to him…”
“No, Nia! No puzzles.” Dennis kissed her. Pulling back after a moment, he stared into her eyes. “Your mother is here, safely with you. The rest will wait.” He rested his forehead to hers, his hand cupping her face. “Be gentle on yourself, Nia. Be gentle and let it wait.”
Reaching up, she wrapped her fingers around his wrist. She held his gaze and nodded.
“You need to eat. What would you like?”
“I’m alright…”
“We’ll order something decadent. Your mom should choose since she traveled today. How does that sound?”
“I like it.”
“Good. Then we’ll watch a movie and you’ll get a solid night’s sleep in your own bed.”
“You’ll stay?”
He laughed. “Of course. More than a dozen feet away from you and I get lonely.”
She laughed. “You know that’s ridiculous.”
“Nia? Will you marry me?” Mother and daughter gasped simultaneously. It made Dennis grin. “I was going to do this whole extravagant thing but your mom is here and…”
“We’re going to have a baby.”
“Nia?” Nellie grabbed her thigh. “Nia, you’re pregnant?”
“I am…and I did it on purpose.”
“A baby, Nia! A baby!” Then Nellie was sobbing, holding her daughter as hard as she could. She placed her palm Nia’s stomach. “This will relieve some of the pain from what we lost, Nia. Bringing your Dennis and a baby into our lives, into our family. I’m so, so grateful. A baby, Nia…”
Dennis stroked his hand along her neck. “Marry me, Nia. Say you will.”
Nodding, she whispered, “I will.”
“Smartest woman I’ve ever met.”
Sitting beside her, they watched and listened as Nellie paced the house on the phone. She called her sister, her friends, and the people she used to work with to tell them about her pending grandchild and future son-in-law.
Dennis wondered if Nicki had burned every bridge with her family. It seemed like it.
He watched Nia fight sleep until she couldn’t anymore and drifted off with her head on his shoulder. He realized he’d never loved anyone in his life as completely.
Relationships he shared with his father, his extended family, and his son were deep and fulfilling but…nothing had prepared him for the tidal wave of emotion the woman in his arms inspired.
Nothing had ever been like this.
Nia was different from the start. From the first time he touched her, the first text she sent, their first date, and their first obstacles.
Everything about her inspired him to gather her close and keep her safe and yet, she was the stronger of them. This was something he knew at the cellular level and accepted.