Page 59 of Dreaming
Her mouth dropped open. “Him, too?”
Dennis winked. “Yes, ma’am. Every one of us. Well, except my one crazy uncle but he was so interested in rum and cigars that he didn’t give sex much thought. The rest of us though? Yeah, all packing.” He searched them out on the dance floor. “Look.”
Nia glanced across the room and gasped. TJ held an almost docile Harlow in his arms as he kissed her.
“I’ve never known my sister to allow public displays of affection in her life.” Nia turned to the familiar voice and smiled at Hayden. “Your cousin has quite the effect on her, Dennis. I wish him luck. She leaves most men ash in her wake.” He lifted Nia’s hand and kissed the back. “You look positively radiant, Mrs. Hancock. Congratulations.”
“Thank you. I’m so happy you made it.” Softly, she asked, “Is Isabella with you?”
“No. No, she isn’t.”
“I refuse to ruin your day.” Shaking his head, he added, “Another time.” He gave Nia a small smile. “You two…you fit.” Hayden looked at the floor. “I’m jealous of it. I want it to be easier, to be joyful. I experienced that and I’ve been really confused since I lost it. I am so fucking tired.”
Stepping close, Nia hugged him. “I think, maybe you need a vacation, Hayden. Some time alone to think. No missions, no family, neither of the women involved.”
“You’re probably right.”
She leaned back and held his face, stared into silver-gray eyes that looked haunted. “Promise me one thing. If you get to a point where you can’t take the pain…go to the one who helped you breathe again, Hayden. The one who pulled you up, like Dennis does for me.”
Closing his eyes, Hayden nodded.
“Puzzles are solved in many ways. Take a break. Let your brain settle so you can hear what the fuck your heart is saying.” She smiled. “When you listen, when you follow it, amazing things happen.”
“Seeing how Dennis looks at you, it made the pain fresh. I want what you two share, Nia. I’ve tasted it and…I want it back.”
He hugged her again, shook Dennis’ hand firmly, and said, “Let me know if either of you need anything.” He kissed Nia’s temple. “I can’t wait to meet your baby, sweetheart. Luckiest child on the planet.” Winking, he walked away.
Nia looked up at Dennis. “You understand how different we are. I don’t know how you…work your way around it.”
Dennis smiled. “You mean letting him hug and kiss you?” She nodded. “It’s strange to me but…I get the impression he loves everyone and no one.”
Her voice was soft. “There are only three people he’s fallen in love with over the course of his life: the man who saved him, the girl he loved in the past, and the woman who gave him up and walked away to give them a future. He’s talked about Amanda for years, about bringing her to the Think Tank. He never meant to love her but he fell completely.”
“Then he can’t let her go.” Nia’s eyes widened. “The woman from his past represents who he used to be. None of us can go back. It isn’t healthy. He needs to move forward and not let anything stand in his way.”
“I agree.” Wrapping her arms around him, she demanded, “Dance with me, husband. Kiss me senseless. Smear cake on my lips.” She cupped the back of his head. “Then later, when all the guests are gone and this beautiful day is behind us, love me, love me, love me.”
“My pleasure, my sweet wife.”
On the dance floor, they talked, they laughed, they gossiped about their guests, they made predictions about their parents, and they held one another as hard as they could, as close as they could, through every song.
Like the most beautiful dream.
Chapter Twenty
September - October 2018
Ultimately, Nia avoided the confrontation with her sister until her daughter was safely in the world. Davina Sky Hancock entered their lives gently, as if worried about making a fuss.
Perfectly healthy with all her bitty fingers and toes, Nia was in love with her from the moment she was placed in her arms.
Watching Dennis with her…that was the stuff real dreams were made of.
He wept openly when she was born, planted kisses over Nia’s face, and murmured, “Thank you. My god, thank you so much for our little girl.”
He held her in one hand as he stroked his fingers over her head. He talked to her as if she understood every word.