Page 14 of Quiet & Kilted
“Actually, can you give us just a few minutes, Vicki?” Nate was almost at eye level with the little woman.
“Sure thing, hon. I’ll pack up a to-go order while you decide.” With a wink, she returned to the counter that filled one end of the restaurant and chatted with her line cook.
“Zoe.” Her brown eyes lifted and he gave her a gentle look. “Do you order the same thing every time so you don’t feel like a burden?” Her lips parted but she didn’t answer. “That isn’t necessary. Not with us. Not ever. What would you like?”
Zoe’s hands shook as she opened the menu. It was obvious she’d probably chosen something at random the first time she came to the diner and Vicki remembered. To keep from drawing attention to herself and keep it simple, she’d continued to choose the same meal.
A few minutes later, Vicki returned. “All set?”
Nate nodded. “Zoe is going to have the Caesar salad with grilled chicken. I’m dying to try Jim’s new fried chicken. Mandy, what are you in the mood for?”
“A burger with that special sauce and a side salad.”
“Sounds good! Zoe, I’m so glad to see you’re trying something new! You’llloveJim’s salad. My Don called him a genius in the kitchen. Said we were lucky he wasn’t ambitious.” She chuckled at the memory. “I’m happy you’re not taking ithomethis time. Your sweet face brightens up the place! I’ll have it all out in two shakes.”
As Vicki walked away, Mandy zeroed in on their dinner companion. “You take foodhomeand eat byyourself?” Zoe shrugged, embarrassed. “You should eat with us all the time. We’re great company.” Looking up at him, she bumped his shoulder. “Aren’t we, Dad?”
“Oh, yeah. The best company.”
He could see Mandy ramping up for a bunch of personal questions and he was glad. No one got information out of others like the women he was related to.
Taking a sip of her tea, Mandy set the glass aside and got to work. Nate stayed out of her way.
“Do you have family, Zoe?”
“A mother and a sister.”
“They live in Georgia, right? Where you’re from?”
“Yes. I can’t believe you remembered.”
“Of course, I did! You’re so interesting! What made you decide to come to Colorado? Especially to our little town?”
“I volunteered at my own library for years. After I finished college, I started looking for positions at libraries around the country. Most librarians stay in their posts for decades. The woman here, who had the position for thirty years, was retiring so the timing was perfect. I wanted a fresh start.”
Mandy tilted her head. “You moved out here alone? You didn’t knowanyone?” Zoe shook her head. “I don’t think I could do that. Weren’t you scared?”
“A little but I was excited, too. My friend made the drive with me and continued on to Vegas. It all worked out. It’s peaceful and pretty here. I love my job.”
“Do you have a boyfriend?”
Zoe signed, “No.”
“How old are you?”
“Did you have a boyfriend in Georgia?”
“A long time ago.”
“You weren’t together anymore?” Zoe made a face and shook her head. “What happened to him?”
“I think he got married.” She didn’t seem sad about it.
“Do you see your family?”
“They visit once a year around the holidays.” She gave them a half-smile. “They always try to talk me into moving back to Georgia. Especially my mom.”