Page 30 of Quiet & Kilted
Lifting her eyes, she said quietly, “My name is Zoe Green.”
Nodding enthusiastically, Mandy asked, “What do you do, Zoe?”
“I-I’m a librarian in Cedarton, Colorado.”
Placing both palms on her cheeks, Mandy had tears in her eyes. “You sound great. You talked the first half of your life, Zoe. It’s time for you to talk again.”
For almost a minute, she considered. “Do you…mean it?”
“I do.” Mandy grinned. “You have a Southern accent!”
“I didn’t trust my mother and sister to tell me the truth.” She shrugged. “There was no one else to ask for a long time.” Zoe rubbed her throat. “I missed it. Not talking, no matter how frightened I was, made it so much harder to communicate.”
“I’ll always tell you the truth!”
Zoe cleared her throat and recited a few lines of her favorite poem. Mandy wiped roughly at tears that slipped over her cheeks. Zoe went slowly, wanting so badly to believe people could still understand her.
She couldn’t hearherselfand it made her afraid.
Mandy clapped when she was done. “You have a beautiful voice. Don’t hide it anymore.”
Nate lowered to the rock beside them and pulled Zoe over his lap, his arm around his daughter. They rested their heads on his shoulders and stared at each other.
Zoe reached out to cup the side of her head. “Thank you, Mandy.”
Nate’s arms gripped them harder.
“You’re welcome, Zoe.”
Overcoming the hurdle of fear about her voice was huge. It was another possible step into the future she wanted to have.
More than anything, Zoe wanted to be part of this incredible little family, for them to beherfamily.
Admitting it felt like tempting fate.
Chapter Nine
The three of them sat quietly for several minutes and Zoe felt years of tension whoosh out of her body all at once.
It was incredible to be close to two people she never could have imagined becoming so important to every breath she took. It was too soon to feel so strongly but she did.
Accepting that, embracing it, she leaned forward to kiss Mandy’s forehead and said, “Not even my family pushed me.”
Mandy grinned. “Everything is going to be awesome. You’ll see.”
Nate touched her cheek, nudging her to look at him. “I’ve wanted to hear your voice for almost two months. It’s even prettier than I thought it would be, Zoe.”
Feeling the light blush on her face, she replied, “You raised an incredible child, Nate.”
“There’s no greater praise someone like me can receive.” He wrapped his arm around them and pulled them to their feet. They walked toward the horses. “Let’s ride back and get some food.”
Quirking one brow, she asked, “You’re already hungry again?”
“That’s a silly question. Of course.” He smiled and Zoe wanted to trace the lines it made in his cheeks. “It’s been hours.”
“I don’t know where either of you put it.” She approached her horse and pulled herself smoothly into the saddle. “You must have outstanding metabolisms.” The father and daughter laughed as they mounted and headed toward the farmhouse.
Riding back, Zoe was reminded how much more convenient it was tospeak. It was funny how she’d sort of forgotten over the years in her insecurity and fear.