Page 35 of Quiet & Kilted
I dream about you, too.
Putting the phone on her nightstand, she quickly pulled on panties and a sleep shirt. Turning off the lights, she plugged in her phone, and got under the blankets. Taking a deep breath, she opened her messages.
I promise to reward your honesty, Zoe. We’ve decided to kidnap you for the entire day tomorrow. Brunch and then boring errands. Say yes because I’m more excited than such things have ever made me. Goodnight, sweetheart.
Sending him a goodnight message in return, she put down her phone and stared at the ceiling for hours as the dim light from the moon moved across the room.
Nate was like an earthquake. Smiling, she decided she’d hold on and ride the tremors for all they were worth.
As was becoming her habit since first finding herself infatuated with the kilt-wearing, signing, gorgeous father of one, there was no hope of actually getting some sleep until she released the very real pressure with a climax.
Naturally, it never stopped her from thinking about him, dreaming about him, while her body rested.
She didn’t mind a bit.
* * *
The following morning, she was doing her weekly chores when the light beside her door went off. Walking to the peep hole, she smiled when she saw Nate and Mandy standing on the other side.
Opening it, she signed, “Good morning.” Out of habit, she mouthed it and then repeated the greeting aloud.
“Morning, Zoe!” Mandy said before giving her a hug and walking past her into the house.
Nate smiled. “You’re not supposed to just make yourself at home, child! It’s rude!”
Zoe laughed and shook her head. “I don’t mind. Come in.”
From the corner of her eye, she saw Mandy kneel on the floor in front of Maximus. Nate slipped his hand along her side, pulling her close as his mouth lowered to deliver a kiss.
It was quick but no less destructive to her equilibrium. As he lifted away, he mouthed, “You look delicious.”
Wearing leggings and a t-shirt, in her bare feet, she replied, “Hardly. I’ve been cleaning.”
He stroked a strand of hair behind her ear that had escaped her messy bun. “You’re always lovely, Zoe. Always.”
“Thank you.” Clearing her throat, she asked, “Would you like coffee?” He nodded so she closed the door and moved past him to the kitchen. He took her hand and her fingers tightened around his in reflex. Looking over her shoulder, she told him, “I like how affectionate you are.”
“Good.” He made sure Mandy was still distracted and mouthed, “I enjoy touching you. I want you to enjoy me touching you.”
Blushing, she told him, “I do.”
By the time she’d poured him a cup of coffee and refilled her own, Mandy appeared on the other side of her kitchen island.
“Would you like some orange juice?”
“Yes, please. Your cat is the best, Zoe.” Looking up at her dad, she asked, “Did you talk to her about today?”
“Not yet…”
“You’re going with us, aren’t you? Shopping will be more fun with you. Breakfast first! I’m dying for a stack of pancakes.”
Taking down a glass, she poured the young woman juice and watched as Mandy walked over to stare at the painting over the fireplace. Zoe went to join her.
“Knowing your grandmother painted this…it makes me look at it more closely. I found so many details I’d missed before.” Getting closer, she said, “I never noticed this bird nest or the fish jumping from the river. It was beautiful before but now it has even more.”
“I was texting her this morning. She can’t wait to meet you. Her evenings and weekends are booked the next few weeks. It’s one of her busiest times at the gallery. She made Dad promise to bring you to Boulder as soon as possible.”
Smoothing the girl’s ponytail, she smiled. “I look forward to meeting the woman who took your love of books so seriously.”