Page 47 of Quiet & Kilted
His slow exhales against the back of her head told her he was still asleep. It made her smile to discover he was secretly a violent snuggler.
As she had the thought, his arm tightened around her, pulling her closer. His leg hooked hers more firmly and he nuzzled her hair with his face. A mumble vibrated against the back of her head.
“Nate…” she whispered.
He responded by adjusting her body, turning her to her back, so he could hold her with both arms. A huge palm cupped her breast through her top, his thumb stroking roughly over a nipple that reacted instantly.
Staring into his face, her smile was slow. “You’re awake.”
“I’m not. Let me lay here and grope you,” he demanded with his eyes still closed.
Snickering, she told him quietly, “Absolutely not. I’m certain Mandy is awake. This house offers no privacy in such a situation.”
“Zoe. Ssh. It’s so early and you’re so damn comfortable.”
“You should know. I replaced the mattress for you.”
Opening one pretty hazel eye, he frowned. “Too heavy?”
“No,” she admitted. “It was lovely.”
“See? Go back to sleep.”
Adjusting her head, she kissed his stubbled jaw. “I can’t. Nature calls. You sleep and I’ll start coffee.”
He gave her breast one more squeeze before slipping his palm over her side to her hip. “I love the way you feel.” Then he was up on his forearm, staring down into her face. “My hands itch to touch you.”
“You’re ridiculously attractive in morning light.”
“So are you. You look so young, fresh, innocent.” He winked. “I can’t wait to see what you look like once I corrupt you.”
Blinking, she took several slow breaths. “If there wasn’t an impressionable young woman a mere twenty feet away, I’d dare you to start now.”
He trailed his fingertip along the upper hem of her tank top. Letting it slip inside the material, he raked the back of his fingers over her nipple.
“Nate,” she mouthed as she struggled to keep her wits about her.
“I’m going to use your natural curiosity and adventurous spirit against you every chance I get, Zoe.” He bent and planted an open-mouthed kiss on her nipple through her top. Raising his face to stare into her eyes, he said, “I think you’ll love it.”
“I have no doubt.” Inhaling slowly, she added, “Let me up before my resolve disintegrates.”
“Damn it. So close.” He gave her a smacking kiss and went to his knees, pulling her to a sitting position. “Go on. I’ll grope you more later. That’s a promise.”
She walked to the bathroom and managed to keep from looking back. After handling the basics, she stared at herself in the mirror. “Keep it together, Green. Think about Mandy in the other room.”
Nodding resolutely, she opened the bathroom door and Nate leaned against the frame with his arms crossed and a smile on his face. “Hi.”
Ducking around him, she said, “Don’t you even look at me. I’m going to get dressed so we can take care of our errands.”
From the corner of her eye, she watched him laugh as he entered the bathroom. She quickly dressed in her closet and was leaving the bedroom as he walked through the bathroom door.
Glancing at him over her shoulder, he mouthed, “Later, my pretty. I’ll get you in my clutches…”
In the living room, Mandy was petting Maximus. The cat looked like he hadn’t moved at all during the night.
“Good morning.”
“Hi, Zoe! I love waking up with you in the same house. It’s really calming. You should have a sleepover at our place tonight.”