Page 56 of Quiet & Kilted
The woman’s eyes widened. “Nate? Mandy? What happened?”
Tipper Merryfield was on shift the night Mandy was born. In an area as sparsely populated as Cedarton, such experiences tended to form lasting relationships.
“Our Zoe!” Mandy screamed hysterically.
Nate hugged her hard. “Zoe Green was run off the road by Jessica, Tipper. She was just brought in.”
The older nurse put her hand over her mouth. “The sweet librarian you’ve been seeing?” He nodded and she stood. “I’m so sorry! Are either of you hurt?”
“We were behind her…”
Struggling to get air, Mandy interrupted. “Dad is cut up pretty bad from trying to get to her. He’s bleeding everywhere. I just have some scratches from broken glass.” She wiped at her face in frustration. “W-we need help for him and to know how Zoe is.”
“Of course. Come with me. Oh, Nate…your hand.”
“It doesn’t matter. Nothing matters right this second but Zoe.”
She took them into triage and called another nurse. The woman took one look at the condition of Nate’s hand and went to get one of the doctors on duty.
The second emergency room doctor came in to stitch the multiple cuts on his arm. “I’m fairly certain that hand is broken. We’re going to need X-rays. You’re about to get a lot of stitches.”
Mandy answered Nate’s phone as they cleaned and stitched his skin. He could hear Rick start to answer but she cut him off. “Uncle Rick. Please come! I-I need you to come!” The pitch of his daughter’s voice made Nate turn to look at her in concern.
“I can’t lose Zoe!” Her scream echoed through the room. Then she was buckling and Tipper held her gently. “P-please.”
Nate grabbed his phone with his good hand but looked at the nurse. “Can you give her something to calm her? She’s been through a nightmare in the last hour.” She nodded and smoothed Mandy’s hair. “Thank you.” To his best friend, he said quietly, “I haven’t seen or talked to the cops yet, Rick. They should have been here by now.”
“Understood.” It was unusual that the local police department hadn’t arrived and Rick interpreted Nate’s concern. “I’ll go to the scene first and get photos. See if someone we know can access the traffic cams.”
“Get me everything.”
“I’ve got this.”
He gave him a description of the truck Jessica was driving, her erratic driving right before she hit Zoe, and what direction she sped off in after she did.
“They’re taking me for X-rays. Mandy and I are alright for the most part and Bill is bringing Mom and Noel. I need you on this for me, Rick. It’s priority.”
“You’ve got it.”
Mandy was lightly sedated and Nate kept his eyes on her as they took him for X-rays, casted his hand, and wrapped most of his arm. They returned to the ER waiting room since Zoe had been rushed into surgery. Tipper brought them drinks from the employee lounge and a blanket for Mandy.
A little under two hours after the accident, Nate’s mother Caroline and his sister Noel rushed into the ER looking frantic with Bill right behind them.
Nate’s shirt was coated in dried blood. Seeing the cast and multiple bandages made his mother sway on her feet as she bent to hug him. Bill pulled up a chair and gently nudged her into it.
Noel shook in fury.
Unable to sign effectively, Nate spoke carefully so they’d understand. Caroline had her hand over her mouth through most of his explanation. She cried silently.
The police finally arrived at the hospital and he gave them the same information he’d already told his best friend minutes after leaving the scene. The younger partner looked ready to run down every lead but the older officer seemed strangelyuninterested. They left after very few questions.
It was exactly what Nate expected.
Mandy woke with a start and released a sharp scream. Then she started crying. “Why is she soevil? Why would she try to hurt Zoe? She’s never done anything toanyone…”
Noel crouched in front of her niece, speaking softly as she smoothed her hair. Mandy let go of Nate and wrapped herself around her aunt as wracking sobs shook her frame. Noel held her tight and murmured gentle words.