Page 61 of Quiet & Kilted
The first time she stood on her own again, he hugged her and she clung to him. Heneverlost faith that everything would be okay. Not even when she was sure it wouldn’t.
Two days shy of a full month, Zoe’s doctors felt she was well enough to be released from the hospital. They waited for an orderly to come with a chair so he could take her home. Nate signed into her palm, “How do you feel, Zoe?”
“I see more detail in your outline today.”
“Baby steps. I knew it was going to be alright.”
She smiled and reached out to find his face. He placed her palm on his cheek and she stroked it gently. “Yes. You did. Thank you.”
“I love you so much, Zoe.”
He kissed her soundly and settled her in a chair while he took care of her release paperwork. There was a lot to think about and there would be a lot to deal with until her vision fully returned.
Her visionwouldreturn.
At first, she’d be dependent on others and that was terrifying but there were no people she trusted more to help her get through it. She planned to spend the rest of her life loving Nate and Mandy.
She finally came out of her own terror long enough to realize how much they truly neededherto be there forthem.
How cowardly it would have been to give up, to leave them, when they needed her most. She was deeply ashamed of her weakness but she would make it up to them. It was time to start their life together.
First, she desperately needed a shower.
Chapter Eighteen
June 2011
Zoe received a stack of instructions, prescriptions, and reminders for follow-up appointments. Nate took everything for her. He walked beside the wheelchair and held Zoe’s hand as the orderly pushed her through the hospital and outside.
The brightness of the summer day made her shout, “Wait!” She tightened her fingers on his hand. “I-I can see you more outside.” He knelt beside her and she cupped his face in her palms. “Nate.”
His tears flowed over her fingers and she cried with him.
Taking one of her hands, he signed, “I knew it would be okay. I always knew it, Zoe.” Gently holding the back of her head, he kissed her lightly before adding, “Let’s get you out of here.”
Nodding, she smiled as he went to bring his truck closer. Opening the passenger door, he lifted her from the chair, thankful for the soft cast and no more stitches.
Nate buckled her in and loaded things in the back. Then she felt the slam of his door and when he started the engine.
A small whimper escaped her.
Taking her hand, he signed, “I’m going to get you home safe and sound, Zoe.”
“I-I’m a little nervous.”
“Understandable.” He kissed her palm and placed her hand on his thigh.
Stroking down to his knee, she said happily, “You’re wearing your kilt!” Grinning, she admitted, “I love the kilt, Nate.” He put his hand over hers and traced the wordsI love youon her skin. “I love you even more than the kilt.”
He kept his hand on hers the entire drive to his house. When they parked, he came around and took her hand. “Everyone is here but they know you need time to settle in.”
“Everyone?” she asked softly.
“Both our moms, sisters, Mandy, Bill, and Rick are waiting to welcome you home. They’re all standing on the porch.”
She touched her matted hair. “I-I look terrible.”
In her hand, he assured her, “You look lovely and alive, Zoe. Say hello and I’ll help you with a real shower.”