Page 69 of Quiet & Kilted
“I don’t care! She’s not my daughter!”
“Mom, what’s wrong with you? How could you look at me and think me incapable of taking care of children?” She rubbed her temple. “You know what? Don’t answer that. In fact, let’s drop this entire conversation. I guess you require that fantasy bubble you live in and who am I to burst it?”
Meeting her mother’s eyes, she added, “However, let me make something clear. I love Nate and he loves me. I already feel like Mandy’s mother and I have every intention of being a good one. If we ever have a baby, I’ll learn, as Caroline did, what to do to keep that child safe. Iwillhave a family, love, and a life because beingdeafchanges nothing about who I am. Not one thing, Mom. My brain, my heart, and the rest of my body work just fine. Like anormalperson. I’m sorry that comes as such a shock to you.”
Then she turned and walked inside. Megan and Mandy stood in the kitchen and she knew they’d overheard the entire exchange. The realization made her face flame.
She met Megan’s eyes. “I love you. I want you to be part of the life I live with Nate and Mandy…but I’mdonepretending I’m not deaf to make things easier on both of you. I lost my hearing, not my mind or my personality. Remember who I was, Megan. That’s the person I still am.”
As quickly as she could, she walked to the bedroom she shared with Nate and lowered to the edge of the bed. She wiped roughly at her tears. Mandy knelt in front of her and handed her tissue.
In sign language, she said, “I love you, Zoe.”
“I love you,” she replied shakily. “I-I wish you hadn’t overheard all that. It’s embarrassing.”
“No. It shouldn’t be. You were powerful, determined, and kinder than the situation demanded.” Mandy signed silently, “They leave tomorrow. I think that will be better for you. Your mom doesn’t mean to, but the things she says hurt you. I don’t like that.” Wiping her own tears with the back of her arm, she added, “I think you’re already an outstanding mom. To me and any other kids that come along.” She smiled through her tears. “I’d love a sister.”
Zoe hugged her tight and they had a cathartic cry together. It released a lot of the pent-up stress and pain of the weeks after the hit-and-run.
Washing their faces, they made themselves huge bowls of ice cream and turned on their favorite vampire show. Mandy had recorded the episodes they’d missed while she was in the hospital. Side by side on the couch, Zoe enjoyed her normal life with a young woman she would never take for granted.
Fuck what anyone else thought.
* * *
Things were tense between Zoe and her mother before she left but MaryAnn hugged her and said, “I love you. I’ve always loved you and always will. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings.”
“I love you, too. Text me when you get home.”
Megan’s hug was harder and lasted a long time. Leaning back, she mouthed, “I’m going to send you an email. I’d like your opinion on some things. Not now. After the first of the year.”
“I love you, Megan.”
Her older sister smoothed her hands over her hair. Then she signed, “I love you, Zoe. I’m sorry.”
Gasping, she couldn’t stop the tears that instantly fell. “Thank you. You can’t know.”
“I’m slow. I’ll learn.”
Nodding, she hugged Megan as hard as she could. “Write me.” Then her family was gone and she exhaled roughly. Looking at Nate, she admitted, “The sun’s not even up yet. I really need some more sleep.”
“Thank god.” He grabbed her hand and hauled her back to bed.
* * *
A week later, Zoe felt a little under the weather when she woke up. She got dressed for her doctor’s appointment and she hoped to get the all-clear to return to work.
She missed the library. A visit from Beth every Sunday since she left the hospital assured her the younger woman couldn’twaitfor Zoe to get back and take over primary operations that bored her assistant.
“How do youpeopleso well, Zoe? Give me budgets any day over human interaction! So gross!”
Laughing, Zoe told her, “It’s what makes us such a great team.”
“Never leave. I’m serious. I’ll lock everyone out.”
Nate was stuck at a city meeting about the upcoming project he was doing so Rick arrived to drive Zoe to her appointment. Mandy and Noel came along.
She felt dizzy as she climbed in the backseat.When they pulled out on the main road, she whispered urgently, “Rick, I think I’m going to be sick. I’m sorry. Pull over…”