Page 71 of Quiet & Kilted
“Marry me, Zoe?”
She nodded and he slipped the ring on her finger. He loved the way it looked against her skin. Then he kissed her senseless.
It was a long time before they headed downstairs to join their friends and family. Mandy hugged them tight. Neither of his favorite women could seem to stop crying. This time, they were happy tears.
There wasso muchto celebrate.
* * *
Across the street, Jessica watched the celebration through the large glass windows of the library. Her anger grew and grew until she thought it would burn down everything. Part of her wanted exactly that and fuck it all.
Another part wanted to live.
Mandy wasright there. If only she could get to her, she’d show them life wasn’t so wonderful.
She’d thought –hoped– she killed the deaf librarian. Then she heard the woman was blind and it made her laugh and laugh. Now she watched them and Zoewasn’tdead. Shewasn’tblind.
It looked like Nate might have asked her tomarryhim.
Despite Jessica’s various lovers and clients over the years, despite the divorce, Natebelongedto her. Mandybelongedto her.
They had no right to replace her.
ThatbitchNoel approached to hug the three of them. Her talk with the horrible woman the day Nate told her he was done flooded into her mind and once again, she felt a moment of unfamiliar sanity.
After being arrested for daring to beupsetthat her man was divorcing her, it took her more than a day to get Jolene to bail her out. She finally dropped the money off and left without seeing Jessica.
Once she was released, she headed to get her car at the impound lot. Passing an alley, she was grabbed and pulled roughly between two buildings. Jessica’s head bounced lightly off the brick and she was dizzy. It took her a moment to focus.
Noel held her against the wall by the throat. “My brother would never hurt a woman.”
Nate’s deaf sister was taller and stronger, deadlier somehow. Her voice sounded like she had a European accent.
Jessica fuckinghatedher. She moved to spit at her and long fingers tightened around her windpipe. A moment later, she was thumped against the brick again.
She stilled, sensing a more dominant predator.
“As I was saying…my brother would never hurt a woman. I don’t have that reluctance. If you bother my family again, Iwillhurt you. I’veneverliked you and nevertrustedyour white trash ass.”
She tried to kick the infuriating woman and Noel bounced her head off the brick a little harder.
“I tolerated you for my brother’s sake. He’sdonewith you now and since you’ve never given a fuck about Nate or Mandy, you need to cut your shit. Take off and stay gone.”
Jessica was livid and it must have shown.
“You’re getting angry.That’s cute.” She leaned close and whispered. “I’m crazier than you are, Jessica. The difference between us is I’m always fightingforsomething. The little hamster inyourbrain runs in total chaos. You mess with my family again, you will regret it.”
Huge hazel eyes stared into Jessica’s and she suddenly knew Noel wasn’t making an empty threat.
“Leave town and stay gone or you deal with me from here on out.” She smiled slowly. “I hope you underestimate me. I love when people do that.”
She thumped her head against the brick again and let her go. Noel jogged through the alley, climbed the fire escape at the end like a cat, and was gone over the roof a moment later.
All these years later, staring at the people gathered in the library, Jessica experienced a rare rational thought.
“You don’t want Mandy. You don’t love her and youknowwhat will happen to her if you take her with you. Youknow. Leave her alone. Be her mother for once.” Noel’s face flickered through her mind. “She’ll kill you. You know she’ll kill you if you hurt Mandy.”
Jessica pushed it all away. She’d survive, no matter what. No matter the cost. Shealwayssurvived. First chance she got, she was taking her daughter and all her problems would disappear.