Page 13 of Captured Light
They shook hands and Lucien stepped to the side, his hand grazing my naked back as he pressed me forward. The contact of his skin against mine sent a jolt right through me and my nipples tightened.
“Olivia Barone,” Romano said, taking my hand and brushing his lips across it.
My body was still tingling from Lucien’s hand against my back and Romano’s touch sent another jolt of electricity through me. His gaze dropped for a moment and I glanced down to find my nipples were hard and clearly visible through my bra and dress.
“You’ve certainly grown up, Olivia,” he said.
“Thank you,” I said, unsure what else to say.
He smirked and turned to Lucien, who was standing perfectly still with his eyes as impassive as ever. Nothing ruffled his feathers, not even seeing Romano look at my breasts.
“I’d like to see you after dinner, Lucien,” he said “In my study.”
“Of course, sir,” Lucien said smoothly.
“Now,” Romano said. “There is a waltz starting and I would like to dance. Lucien, may I have the pleasure of dancing with your fiancée?”
I opened my mouth to protest and then shut it. Romano was the boss, the king of the outfit, and I had no right to refuse him anything. Lucien inclined his head and stepped back and Romano took my hand.
His fingers were hard and long and they engulfed mine. I kept quiet as he led me out to the middle of the dance floor and the room fell silent. I looked over my shoulder and everyone was staring at us and whispering. I frowned and turned back to Romano, who put his hand on my lower back and pulled me closer to his body. He smelled clean, like pine.
The orchestra struck up and the room was filled with a slow waltz. As Romano began spinning me in a whirl of light and sound, I remembered what Lucien had said earlier. I straightened my back, picking my shoulders up, and tilted my chin until I was looking squarely in the capo’s hard gaze.
“You are very beautiful, Olivia,” he said softly.
“Thank you.” I swallowed.
“Is that all you can say?” He cocked his head and I realized that he was toying with me. Or perhaps he was toying with Lucien. It was hard to tell.
“No, sir,” I said softly.
I looked over my shoulder and saw Lucien standing at the corner of the room with his drink resting in his fingers. His body was relaxed, his gaze impenetrable, as he watched me in Romano’s arms. As his eyes met mine, something flickered through them and a muscle twitched in his jaw.
“I heard that you’re staying with Lucien now,” he said.
“Yes, sir.”
“How do you find the Esposito mansion? A little cold?”
I glanced up. “No, sir.”
“Perhaps only when Lucien comes to your bed then. He is a man made of ice and steel,” he said thoughtfully. “If you can get him to crack, you’d be the first.”
I flushed. “He doesn’t, sir.”
“Doesn’t what?” Romano frowned down at me.
“He doesn’t come to my bed,” I said quietly. I didn’t want him to think Lucien was taking advantage of me, although I wasn’t sure why I felt the need to defend him against Romano.
He studied me for a moment as the music changed, slowing down. “He has far greater self control than I would then.”
The dynamic changed as I realized that Carlo Romano wanted me, despite the fact that I was already promised to Lucien. My breath quickened and I bit down on my lower lip, a wave of anxiety spreading through me. I forced my face to remain relaxed as I smiled at him and his thin mouth curved.
“Walk with me,” he said. It wasn’t a request.
I felt his hand on my naked back, drawing me through the crowd. I turned as he slipped through the door and saw that the place where Lucien had stood moments ago was empty. My gaze skimmed the crowd, but he was nowhere to be seen. Panic rose in my chest and it took everything I had to keep calm as Romano ushered me into the hallway.
“The night is beautiful, join me in the garden,” he said in Italian.