Page 39 of Captured Darkness
He leaned his elbows on his knees and I saw his eyes drop to my cleavage, made prominent by the forward angle of my body. His fingers contacting the skin below my collarbones and dragged down to where the swell of my breasts disappeared beneath my clothes.
“I can be,” he said. “But no, it doesn’t come naturally to me.”
“I know.” I met his gaze head on.
He kissed my mouth gently and sat back, studying me with an overwhelming intensity. Then he emptied his coffee and got up, walking to the window and lingering there with his back to me. After a while, he turned around and crossed his arms.
“I took your virginity last night,” he said casually. “In our world, that makes me responsible for what happens to you next. So, I’ll marry you.”
I shot to my feet, drawing myself back against the couch. “What did you say?”
“I said I will marry you,” he said. “It’s the honorable thing to do.”
My fists clenched, my nails digging into my palms, and a towering rage swept through me. How was it possible that this cold, unattached man was the same who opened up to me about his mother last night? And how dare he speak to me like this? Like I was a burden that he had a duty to take care of?
I struggled to find the words that would hurt him the way his words hurt me, but there was nothing. His gaze bored into me, unapologetic. After a moment of silence, I turned on my heel and fled from the living room and tore up the stairs, slamming the bedroom door behind me. For the third time in the last twenty-four hours, hot tears streamed down my face at his expense.
I loved him. There was no other explanation for how badly his words had hurt me. Despite his faults and glaring failings, his caustic and headstrong nature, I loved this man. Every curve of his body when he moved, the bottomless pit of his gaze, the shades of his hair when the sun glinted across it; it was all burned into me despite my best efforts to resist it.
He came to my room in the early afternoon and shut the door with a click that echoed down the hall. His expression was sober as he moved toward where I lay on the bed and sat down before me. I pushed back against the headboard, unsure how to react to his presence. I was still angry and hurt by his words, but the realization that I loved him had softened some of those feelings.
He put his hand on my ankle and lifted my foot, kissing up the side of my calf. His touch was soft and firm all at once and it sent shivers up and down my spine. I watched him, fingers digging into the pillow, as his mouth worked its way up to my thigh. He was mesmerizing and his touch was euphoric.
In a sudden burst of movement, he picked me up and flipped us around so that he was seated against the headboard and I was on his lap. I held onto his shoulders, our eyes locked as I felt myself sinking, struggling to stay afloat in the wave of emotions that threatened to drown me.
He kissed down my neck, nipping and licking the sensitive skin below my ear. Then he reached between us and opened the front of his pants, freeing his erection. He was hard, perhaps harder than he’d been last night, and there was arousal glistening on the tip. Before I could touch him, he pulled aside my panties and spat onto his hand, rubbing the wetness over my sex.
His cock pushed gently at my entrance and I gasped, still sore, but desperately wanting him. His fingers dug into my hips as he gently lifted me over his erection and eased me down onto it. I winced and he ran his thumb over my clit, working the sensitive spot with circular strokes.
There was a dull ache and a sensation of pressure in my sex that ebbed away as he began to rock me on his hips. His chest was heaving and I knew he was straining against his instinct to thrust hard into me as he had last night. Now he was moving in gentle circles deep within me and it sent waves of pure pleasure through my body. I closed my eyes and pushed away any thought of his words.
The only sound was our panting breaths and the gentle movement of his hips. His gaze never wavered from mine as the pleasure built between my thighs, boring into me, searching for a part of me I was afraid to show. Did he know how I felt? Or was it possible that somewhere beneath his rough exterior, he was beginning to feel something deeper for me?
I rocked against his fingers, my core tightening around him. His free hand slid up my body and wrapped gently around my throat, holding me steady. I gasped, arousal like nothing I’d experienced before reared its head, and wrapped my fingers around his wrist. His mouth twitched, a ghost of a smile crossing his face, and thrust a little harder.
I came apart, pleasure sweeping through me and roaring in my ears. My heart pounded and my legs shook as my spine arched, ecstasy curving my body back like a bow. My sex pulsed and Duran wrapped his arms around me in a fluid movement, pulling me flush against his body, and sank his teeth gently into the side of my throat.
I cried out, confused, but more aroused than anything. His fingers teased at my clit, drawing my orgasm out to new heights. His mouth on my throat, holding me steady, but not breaking the skin, hit a primal nerve I had no idea I possessed.
I was still lost in the throes of pleasure when he flipped me onto my back, pinning my wrists above my head, and thrust hard into me. A cry escaped my mouth as I looked up at him hanging over me, his shirt tousled, half of the buttons undone. His eyes were shut, his jaw clenched, and his head thrown back. He was poetically primal in that moment and I gave in to him completely, letting him chase his pleasure without protest.
His movements grew short and fast, his hands falling free of my wrists as he braced himself on either side of my head. I watched his expression change and then he let out a low, feral groan and his body jerked as he succumbed to his orgasm.
I lay beneath him, unmoving, as he caught his breath. After a while, he pushed himself up onto the heels of his hands and looked down, his eyes dragging slowly over my body.
“I have to go,” he said finally.
He rose and I sat bolt upright, not bothering to cover my breasts with the sheet. He moved about the room, gathering his things with absolute nonchalance as though he’d flipped a switch. I sat in silence, confusion churning in my mind as he pulled on fresh clothes.
“Where are you going?” I asked finally.
He glanced up briefly, his hair falling over his forehead. “I probably should have told you before we started fucking, but your father is in a bit of trouble with the Russians so I’m going back to the city to take care of it.”
My breath caught and my heart began pounding. “What? What’s wrong?”
“I just need to go negotiate for him,” Duran said casually. “He got himself in a bit of a tight spot.”
He sat down on the edge of the bed and began tying his shoes as if he hadn’t made a horrifying admission that sent me into a spiral of panic. I tried desperately to gather my thoughts. Perhaps it wasn’t that big of an issue. Maybe I was overreacting.