Page 21 of Captured Solace
He studied me for a moment, his hand skimming up and rested on my throat. For what felt like a long time, he just stood there, his gaze lingering on me, dragging over my mouth. Taking in every curve and line of my face. Then he stepped back and picked up my panties from the floor. Without another word, he pocketed them and walked out of the room, the door closing with a finalizing click.
My hands were still shaking as I used tissues to clean myself and put my clothes back on. When I stepped out, the hall was deserted. I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror on the opposite wall. My cheeks were flushed and my eyes glittered.
God, what was he doing to me?
Chapter Four
I’d already showered once that morning, but I went up and took another long one. It took two orgasms to get my erection to calm down enough I could tuck myself into my pants. But the memory of her taste and the sounds from her pretty mouth were stuck on repeat in my head. I needed to focus on work and distract myself before I took things too far too soon. She probably wasn’t ready for what we’d done already, much less the dozens of far dirtier things I wanted to do with her.
Dressing in casual pants and a linen shirt, I went back up to my office. When I sat back down at my desk, I noticed a stain on the dark wood. A bit of her arousal, leftover from her first orgasm. When she’d arced and writhed in my hands, grinding her orgasm out against my tongue. For a moment, I considered wiping it clean, but then decided against it. It made a nice trophy.
I wanted her all over my things. Stained on my desk, tangled up in my bed, her taste in the back of my throat.
And I wasn’t ashamed to admit it to myself.
Unfortunately there were less savory things to be dealt with right now. Flipping open my computer, I pulled out my phone and called Lucien back. It was several rings before he picked up and he sounded slightly out of breath. I heard a door shut in the background and then an office chair creaked.
“Got your problem under control?” he asked.
“Yes, I apologize for that interruption.”
“I understand. Sienna has always been difficult to deal with.”
There was a hint of derision in his tone that bothered me, but I kept quiet. Papers shuffled in the background and Lucien picked up where he’d left off.
“The ports that were part of the deal and now belong to you need supervision,” he said. “There’s four major areas I’m willing to hold until you come up here to sort things out and redraw the territory with me, but after that it’s up to you to defend them. We’ve had some trouble with the Irish over the last week so you’ll probably want to send at least a dozen soldiers per port.”
I lifted my head, narrowing my eyes at the phone. “What kind of trouble?”
“They heard I killed our boss,” Lucien said. “I think they’re testing the waters, seeing how strong I am. Having your presence up here would be a necessary show of strength. They wouldn’t be willing to take us both on.”
“No, I doubt it,” I said. “How about I come up in March?”
“I’ll be out of town in the first part of March,” said Lucien. “Come up the first week of April and we’ll sort things out. Bring Sienna with you. Olivia’s giving me a hard time about using her for the alliance. She keeps worrying about her.”
“Let her know Sienna is fine. I think she’s almost enjoying herself,” I said.
In the distance a door slammed and one of the guards yelled. I vaulted to my feet and crossed to the window to find my wife standing in the driveway yelling at the security guard at the gate. She was carrying a pie in one hand and gesticulating wildly with the other, her eyes blazing.
“I think I need to cut this short,” I said, sighing. “Sienna is in the yard fighting with one of my security guards.”
Lucien laughed quietly. “Good luck.”
I hung up the phone and headed downstairs. When I stepped out onto the porch, Sienna didn’t bother to look at me even though I knew she’d heard the door slam. She was too busy trying to push past the guard and get through the gate.
“Sienna,” I barked, striding up behind her.
She whirled on me. “Tell him to let me out!”
“I will not,” I said crisply. “Where are you going?”
Her brows drew together and rage flashed in her eyes. “You told me I could visit Magnolia Lightfoot, so that’s what I’m doing. Or at least I was trying before this...this evil security gremlin decided to try and stop me!”
I forced myself to keep a straight face as I looked down at her. My security guard stood there, open-mouthed, staring at her like he’d never seen anything so shocking before in his life. She scowled at him, squaring her shoulders.
“Sienna, you may not walk down the road, it’s not safe,” I said, keeping my tone reasonable. “Get in the car, I’ll drive you.”