Page 42 of Captured Solace
I was still reeling from everything Viktor had told me about his past, that his admission that it turned him on to think about getting me pregnant barely registered. After hearing about his father killing the mother of his child, it seemed almost normal to be discussing something as ordinary as sexual proclivities.
Perhaps his admittance to sleeping with hookers and doing drugs should have turned me off more than it did. Despite all this, when he’d looked down at me with smoke drifting from his expressive mouth, warmth blossomed in my chest. Unexpectedly, nothing he’d said had deterred me at all.
It wasn’t about the material things he’d promised me. I’d never been very motivated by fancy hotels or expensive dinners. No, it was the fact that he’d thought about what he wanted to do for me and he intended to follow through with it. Hopefully with every dirty detail of it. A shiver went through my body as I took in my husband, standing there with a cigarette hanging from his perfect mouth.
For the first time, a gentle warmth flooded my chest as I admired him. He was so effortlessly handsome it made my chest hurt. The slender angles of his body and his broad shoulders were gorgeous in the pale light. My God, he looked almost feral like this, half naked and surrounded by the empty marshlands.
We stood there in comfortable silence while he finished his cigarette. Then he lifted me in his arms and carried me back into the house and sat me down on the stool. The sun was just breaking over the marsh and a robin sang in the berry bushes outside.
I sat with that same unexpected warmth in my chest and watched as he made breakfast. There was always something incredibly sexy about watching him cook. It didn’t hurt that he was half naked and I was fantasizing about running my tongue over the hard ridges of his lower stomach.
Maybe I would run my tongue a little lower after breakfast.
That weekend, Viktor drove the vintage car he’d been working on into town for repairs and returned on Friday night with a new sports car. I heard him coming from where I stood at the edge of the marsh with a pair of binoculars, watching a heron pick its way through the field grass. I turned, squinting at him as he emerged from the car, his silhouette glowing orange in the waning light.
He raised a hand and beckoned me from the marsh. And without hesitating, I scrambled up the bank and sloshed across the yard in my muddy boots. He knocked down his shades and looked at me over them as I approached. His mouth twitched in a faint smile.
“I have something for you,” he said, reaching into the car. “But better bring it inside and take off those boots before you open it.”
He handed me a flat box and took me by the upper arm, pulling me against his tall, lean body. His mouth came down on mine, kissing me firmly. Then he turned me around and swatted my ass as I headed toward the front door feeling a little drunk from his touch.
Up in our bedroom, I slipped out of my clothes and climbed onto the bed with the box. I’d always loved getting presents as a child and growing into an adult hadn’t changed that. Excitement danced in my chest like a little flame as I lifted the lid to reveal the delicate contents nestled in tissue paper.
Inside lay a minidress and a set of lingerie, all made of the same dark, forest green. I picked them up, running the silky material through my fingers as I ducked into the bathroom. Working quickly, I showered and shaved every inch of my body and then slipped into the lingerie. My stomach fluttered as I pulled the delicate panties up my legs and settled them on my hips.
The realization that Viktor had chosen my undergarments for me sent a secret thrill between my thighs. Had he gone to one of those fancy lingerie shops where they kept the products behind glass just to find the perfect thing for me? Had he studied everything with those expressive eyes that never missed a single detail? Had he imagined me in each piece as he ran the fragile lace through his fingers? I bit my lip, heat surging between my thighs as I clasped the bra and nestled my breasts into the delicate cups.
I heard the bedroom door open and I slid the bathroom lock down, not ready to show him the lingerie yet.
No, he had to earn that.
The dress was made of silk and came to the middle of my thigh. The bodice draped over my breasts, held up by tiny straps, and the skirt wrapped around my thighs and tied with a black belt at the waist. It was easily the most revealing thing I’d ever worn, although that didn’t mean very much because usually I wore jeans and a sweater.
I heard Viktor moving about in the other room and my stomach fluttered. My throat stuck when I swallowed and my face was flushed. I’d never done anything like this before. My ex never took me out on dates, unless going to the cafeteria across campus together counted. I had no experience dressing up and going out with a man, especially not a man like Viktor.
I took a deep breath and forced myself not to dwell on my nerves. I could hear Viktor talking on his phone in the other room as I put on my makeup and curled my hair, fluffing it around my shoulders. Then there was nothing for it but to go out and face him, so I slipped on the heels and opened the bathroom door.
Viktor stood at the end of the bed in a tailored dark blue suit with a silver tie. For a moment I just stood there and stared at him, forgetting all about my skimpy dress and lacy undergarments. My God, how was it possible that this man was my husband? He pivoted as I stepped out of the bathroom and lowered the phone slowly, his lips parting and his eyes moving over me in a hungry sweep.
“I’ll call you later,” he said, and tossed aside the phone.
“Do you like it?” I asked shyly.
He was at my side in a second and his lean hand trailed over my exposed thigh. “You look incredible,” he said hoarsely.
His gaze consumed me, flicking from my face to my breasts, to the V where my skirt rode up and exposed my inner thigh. I glanced down and the front of his pants were tight, his impressive length straining against the fabric.
He bent forward and kissed my mouth gently. “You ready to take me, baby girl?” he murmured.
In a burst of courage, I slid my hand between us and cupped his erection. “As long as you’re ready to give it to me.”
“There’s little doubt of that.”
I leaned in, catching the spicy scent of his cologne. “Want me to take care of it for you before we go?”
His pupils dilated and his chest rose and fell, but he shook his head. He flipped his wrist up, checking his watch. “We have a reservation. Don’t worry, I’ll occupy that pretty mouth later on tonight.”