Page 65 of Captured Solace
“Nothing, I think there’s been a misunderstanding of some kind,” I said.
Closing the door, I strode back down the hall and paused at the top of the stairs. Lucien stood in the front hall and when he heard my steps, his lip curved in a snarl. He gave the fleeting impression of a dog, pacing at the end of its chain, ready to attack. Duran appeared at his side, taking his arm to hold him back.
“We need to understand what’s going on before you fuck everything up with him,” he said in French. “Maybe he’s fucking us. Maybe he’s not.”
Lucien gestured at me. “He speaks fucking French too.”
“Motherfuck—never mind,” Duran said, rounding on me. “Viktor, we need to talk in the study. Now.”
Body tensed for a fight, I ascended the stairs, my hand hovering just over my thigh where my pistol waited. Lucien watched me like a hawk, his ice cold gaze fixed. For a moment, there was a standoff at the bottom of the stairs where neither of us were willing to turn and go down the hall first. Then Duran released an exasperated sigh and pushed Lucien toward the study.
“What the fuck is this?” I asked, lingering in the doorway.
Lucien paused by the desk. He lifted his hands, palms facing me. “Are you fucking us, Borisyuk?” he shouted. “Because I thought we had an agreement. I gave you my fucking, goddamn cousin. And you think you can fuck me over like this?”
“What is he talking about?” I snapped, turning to Duran.
Duran folded his arms, his shirt riding up to reveal a flash of the pistol at his belt. In the distance, I heard the patter of feet overhead and I knew the women had been roused from their beds. It would only be a matter of time before they came beating on the door, wanting to know why we were shouting.
“Are you planning on getting us in a war with the Irish?” Duran asked, his jaw tense.
I froze, my heart pounding. How could they have possibly known this? No one except Leonid and a few of my men knew about the plan for Boston. My brain went into overdrive and I chose my words carefully, keeping control of my emotions.
“Be careful accusing me like that,” I said evenly.
Lucien took a step closer until our chests were little more than a foot apart. A muscle in his jaw twitched and from the corner of my eye I saw his fist clench and open. Eager to take a swing at me. He was intimidating, I had to give him that, but I also had no doubt I could take him if I had to.
“Tell me because I will find out by any means necessary,” he said.
His eyes glittered, boring into me and I met his gaze head on. I kept silent and it was all the answer he needed. He stepped back, running his hand over his hair, pacing across the room. When he finally turned to face me, his expression was deadly calm.
“I’m going to fucking kill you,” he said.
Duran stepped forward. “Lucien, let me handle this. Please.”
“Fuck you fucking Russians, you fucking backstabbing motherfuckers,” Lucien roared, finally losing all control.
All the rage boiling up inside me burst to the surface. “Don’t pull that holier-than-thou shit with me, Esposito. I know what a goddamn cunt you are, believe me, I’ve heard it all from my wife.”
“Don’t you dare drag my cousin into this,” he snarled.
“Or what?” I asked. “Everyone already knows how badly you fucked her up.”
Lucien emptied the whiskey glass on his desk and threw it into the fireplace, the sound echoing down the hall. There was a little shriek from outside followed by quiet sobbing and I stepped back into the hall. Iris stood by the front door with her arms around a trembling, crying Olivia. Behind them, Sienna had her hands over her mouth, her dark eyes wide and wet. There were streaks running down her face and a tear glittering on her jawline.
“Go upstairs,” I ordered. “All of you.”
Lucien appeared at my side. “Don’t fucking talk to my wife.”
“You want her down here, seeing you like this?”
“I will fucking gut you right here, Borisyuk, so watching your fucking mouth with me,” he hissed, stepping dangerously close. “Olivia, get upstairs. Now.”
None of the women moved.
“What the fuck. Go upstairs,” I roared at them.
It was the first time I’d ever raised my voice in front of my wife. Sienna squeaked and burst into tears and Olivia followed suit, clinging to her side. Iris drew herself up, her face pale, and pulled them back against the front door.