Page 81 of Captured Solace
“Sienna,” I said softly.
She turned. “Viktor.”
“What are we doing?” I asked. “What is this?”
Her gaze flashed. “You tell me. You were the one who left me. I begged you to stay and you walked out on me.”
“I should never have done that,” I said swiftly. “And I’ve spent the last several weeks regretting it. Deeply. I was angry and hurt, but I never wanted to give up on…this. I never truly wanted that.”
“Why did you leave then?”
I approached her and she backed up, her arms crossed over her chest. “Because…I think I was looking for a reason to fuck things up. After everything that happened with my father, maybe I thought I didn’t really deserve something good. And I don’t. I was a coward then and I don’t deserve you, baby.”
Her jaw worked and her dark eyes fixed on me with an unreadable gaze.
“But,” I continued softly. “You are the best fucking thing to happen to me. Ever. And I’m going to fight to get you back. I don’t give a fuck who did what, who betrayed who. I’m not letting you go this time.”
Her lower lip trembled and her shoulders sagged. “I’m sorry,” she said, choking back a sob. “I shouldn’t have betrayed you. I really regret it. I just fucking hate this whole mafia world, I’ve hated it all my life. I want out, I want to be free of all of it. I can’t live like this anymore.”
I gathered her small body into my arms, pressing her cheek to my chest. Her hair was soft beneath my fingers as I stroked her head, shushing her as she hiccuped tearfully.
“I’m so sorry.”
“Please don’t start a war,” she said. “I was right to be angry about that.”
I sighed. “Part of being in organized crime is doing shit like that. Which is why I’m quitting. Tomorrow I have a meeting with Lucien. I’ll tie up any loose ends. I wish I didn’t have to, but I need to make good on the alliance. Then I’m stepping aside. I’m giving it to Leonid, becoming the godfather emeritus until I can officially retire.”
Her mouth parted as she stared up at me with wide eyes. “You’re giving everything up?”
“Why not? I have enough money for a dozen lifetimes,” I said. “And I’ve been in this world for far too long. I know how much you hate it and I want to give you a future, one where you can live normally. Where my sons won’t be forced into this life. Where our daughters won’t be used like bargaining chips.”
Her chin quivered. “That would be good.”
“Yeah? Would it, baby?” I stroked her hair back.
She nodded.
I pressed a lingering kiss to her forehead.
Her gaze darkened. “Fuck you for leaving me, Viktor. It’s going to take a little more than an apology to fix that.”
Ignoring her protests, I picked her up and carried her to the other side of the suite to the bedroom. Her body hit the bed with a soft thump and I gathered her wrists, pinning them above her head. She gave a quiet whimper as I pressed my knee between her thighs, forcing them open.
“My greatest regret is leaving you. Not killing my father is a close second.”
“I love you, Viktor.”
I bent and kissed between her breasts. “I know you do, baby.”
I pressed my mouth to her forehead, to her lips, and to her throat. She was soft and pliant in my hands, all the fight gone from her as she lay in a warm daze beneath me. I slid my body between her legs and she yielded to me, letting me settle against her soft curves.
“Tonight I’m going to fuck you the way I want to,” I breathed.
The silence that followed my words was deafening. She stared up at me, her face unreadable, but between her legs I felt her pussy pulse against my thigh. Once, twice, and then she let out a quiet whimper. A needy sound that sent electricity down my spine and hardened me to the point of pain.
“Is that what you want, baby?” I whispered.
She nodded, biting her lip. I dragged my body from hers, gathering the bits of her poor excuse for a dress and ripping them down the middle. Her body, wearing only her thin, lace bra, arced and her thighs parted. Her hips worked fruitlessly against the air, desperate for friction.