Page 114 of Captured Fantasy
“I think this might be the one,” Iris said, coming up behind me to smooth the skirt. “And the bodice makes your boobs look amazing. Cosimo isn’t going to it make to the hotel before he’s all over you.”
She was right on both accounts. I blushed and turned so Olivia could see and I was surprised by the tears in her eyes.
“Are you alright?” I asked.
She fanned her face. “Just hormones,” she said. “And it’s just…it’s so nice to see my brother settle down with a good woman. We really like you, Enza, all of us do.”
“We love her,” said Iris briskly, sensing that I was about to break down and cry. “How did you meet Cosimo anyway?”
“Oh, it’s not important,” I said, wiping my face and waving an airy hand.
Both Olivia and Iris looked at me, immediately intrigued.
“Go on, tell us,” Iris insisted.
My cheeks felt warm as she unzipped the dress and I stepped out, wearing only my slip. “Well, please don’t judge me, but I met him at Gino’s funeral.”
“Scandalous,” Olivia said, smiling.
“Did he just meet your eyes across the room and you knew?” Iris asked.
I shifted, trying to decide how much to tell them. The story would probably come out eventually, so maybe there wasn’t much point in trying to keep it a secret.
“You have to understand that I never loved Gino,” I said. “I was lonely. Anyway, during the repast, I went upstairs to make sure the guest bathroom was clean and Cosimo was in there. I don’t know what he was doing, maybe smoking or something, I can’t remember. He thought I was one of the staff.”
I paused and they both stared at me, waiting.
“He came onto me, started…I don’t know, talking dirty. Then he put his hand up my skirt,” I said, forcing myself not to feel ashamed. “Anyway, that was the first time a man had ever made me come.”
“Oh my God,” Olivia squeaked.
Iris’s brow lifted. “Cosimo’s got some balls doing that in the upstairs bathroom at a funeral.”
“Well, he’s always been a bit…risky,” Olivia said.
The clock in the hall chimed and Iris jumped, looking around for her phone.
“I have to go, I have a work meeting,” she said. “But I’ll see you all tomorrow for the cake tasting. At three, right?”
Olivia nodded. “Let’s meet here at two-thirty. Duran promised to drive us on his way into the city, but he has to leave a little early.”
Iris left and Olivia ducked into the bathroom, mumbling something about constantly having to pee and how Lucien was lucky he was a man. I put my sundress back on slowly, allowing the tailor to zip it back up.
I’d never felt like this before, never felt so accepted and loved. Even with all their faults, with all the demons that seemed to dog the footsteps of the men, the Espositos and the Barones felt like a real family. Like a real home.
“Olivia?” I called, after a while.
She walked out of the hall bathroom, drying her hands on a towel. “Yes?”
“Is Lucien here?”
She gestured with her head toward a door on the other end of the hall. “He’s in his office. What’s up?”
“I just thought I might float the idea of having him walk me down the aisle. It’s fine if he says no.”
“Go ahead, he might be free,” she said. “I’m going to have the dress packed up and put in the guest suite. I thought you might like to get ready here the morning of the wedding.”
“That sounds perfect, thank you.” I smiled at her, standing in the hall to watch her disappear down the spiral staircase.