Page 60 of Captured Fantasy
We went back to the office and Lucien stepped out on the porch to make a phone call. I stepped into his office and Federico followed me, letting the door swing shut. He sat down on the far side of the room and kicked his feet up, picking up a magazine on the chair beside him.
I sat down on the edge of Lucien’s desk. “You still fucking Lorenza Russo?”
I hadn’t meant for it to come out, but all of the sudden, it was out. Federico’s brows rose and his eyes locked on mine as he lowered the magazine. He folded it and tossed it aside, rising to his feet.
“Do you have a problem with that, Barone?” His voice was cold.
“Yeah,” I said, shrugging. “I’m thinking I’ll start fucking her too. Do you have a problem with that?”
Federico’s jaw tightened and he took a step closer, his stance tense. “You trying to get a rise out of me?”
“Does it bother you, Antonucci? She’s not your girlfriend.”
“I think I’ve staked my claim.”
“Really? How’s that? Because fucking her doesn’t mean shit, especially if you can’t make her come.”
Federico’s eyes flashed and his hand moved to the inside of his jacket. I straightened, shifting so he could see the gun at my belt. The situation was heating up a lot faster than I’d intended, but it felt good and I didn’t want to back down. God no, I wanted to kick him in the face and beat the shit out of him.
“I assure you, Enza comes when I fuck her,” Federico said, his tone glacial.
“When I ate her out the other week she told me I was the first man to make her finish,” I said.
Federico snapped and I saw the punch coming for a brief moment before it contacted my jaw. Pain blazed down the side of my head and the world spun for a second before falling back into focus. I stepped back, swinging hard and hitting him in the ribs.
His body collided with mine against the edge of Lucien’s desk, shoving it back several inches. We both lost our balance and the floor shuddered as we hit it together. Federico was taller than me, but I had a good thirty pounds of muscle on him. When he pinned me, I arced my back, locking my legs around his waist, and flipped him over. He was struggling to catch his breath when I punched him hard across the jaw. Behind us, the door flew open and Lucien appeared.
He seized me by the back of the neck, hauling me off Federico. I scrambled to my feet, panting. My jaw throbbed and the bottom of my shirt was torn. Federico swore, crawling to his knees and getting to his feet much slower than I had. There was a long silence and Lucien snorted and strode to his desk and took a seat.
“I don’t want to be fucking involved in whatever this shit is,” he said, gesturing. “Both of you get out. And walk in separate directions once you’re out the door.”
Federico shot a withering glare at me and turned on his heel, striding out the door. I followed him, keeping enough distance between us that I wouldn’t be tempted to hit him again. He spat on the curb, flipping me off as he got into his car and sped away, his tires screeching. A flicker of triumph rose in my chest. We might have both got a good hit in, but I’d clearly won for today.
There was a parade at the end of the month and Federico drove me home after church and requested I go with him. I’d planned on going with Mrs. Venetti, but she’d called me that morning and said she had a sore throat and would be staying home. I’d hoped that Cosimo would call or text me, but he never did. I doubted he was even going—I knew Lucien was keeping him incredibly busy at the ports.
Instead, I went upstairs while Federico waited in the kitchen and put on a short, dark blue sundress with a ruched bodice and thin straps. I slipped on a pair of oxford heels and curled my hair and floated down the stairs feeling beautiful and desirable. It was a pity that it wasn’t Cosimo who would be with me today.
My stomach felt cold as Federico’s eyes raked over me. I didn’t want him the way I had before, but I didn’t feel like I could ask him to leave. I needed a good relationship with him, I needed access to my credit cards and a roof over my head that still belonged to me.
So until I figured that out, I couldn’t tell him the truth.
He kissed the side of my neck. “Suck me off before we go, doll.”
I looked down at his groin, remembering the way Cosimo had pushed his cock into my mouth. How his stomach had tensed as I swallowed him and how his eyes had glittered with lust as he spilled himself down my throat. I got down on my knees in the kitchen and began undoing Federico’s belt, pulling it aside and exposing him. He was hard and the hand he wove through my hair was insistent.
I sucked him until he came, but as he pulled from my mouth, I realized I didn’t want to swallow. He looked down at me and I pointed at the sink, indicating I wanted to spit, but his gaze darkened. He took my chin between his finger and thumb and studied me.
“You don’t want to swallow?”
I shook my head.
“Why not?”
Realizing that this was going to stir up a discussion I wasn’t ready to have, I dropped my eyes and swallowed. He saw the movement of my throat and he brushed back my hair, approval in his gaze.