Page 68 of Captured Fantasy
She shrugged. “I was nineteen when I had them done. I’m completely used to the way I look now so I probably wouldn’t like to get them removed. I’m fine with it—it’s me now.”
I was fantasizing about pissing on Gino’s fucking grave, but I forced myself not to let my anger show. “You look amazing,” I assured her. “But it should have been your choice.”
“I’m just glad I managed to get out of the other surgery,” she said, sweeping back into the bedroom.
I followed her. “Hold on, what did you say?”
She was embarrassed again, but she was trying to be casual as she pulled on a flowery, silk robe. “Gino wanted me to get some work done on my vagina, but the doctor refused to do it. He could tell I was miserable and didn’t want the surgery.”
“Jesus fucking Christ,” I said, shaking my head. “I hate to speak badly of the dead, but Gino sounds like an asshole.”
She tied her robe, looking at me with wet lashes. “He was just from a different generation. You think Lucien and Federico’s generation is old fashioned, you should have met Gino.”
“Believe me, I was raised by a man like that,” I said.
“You seemed to have survived it.”
“I do my best to take him as a cautionary tale,” I said. I reached out and took her arm, backing her against the wall. She let me kiss her, accepting my tongue into her mouth for a brief moment. When I pulled back, she was breathing hard.
“What was that?”
“Your tits are fantastic, real or not,” I said. “I’m fucking glad they didn’t touch your pussy because it’s the most perfect thing I’ve ever seen in my goddamn life.”
She blushed. “Thank you. And don’t think too badly of Gino, he did leave me money and this house. He wasn’t a bad man, he was just…set in his ways. He had a very specific idea of what kind of woman he wanted.”
I nodded, although I vehemently disagreed. Gino Russo could burn in hell for forcing her to go under the knife just so he could get his rocks off. She stood on her toes and kissed me, sending a shock of heat down to my cock. Predictably, it hardened and I ground it against her, kissing up the side of her throat.
“No more sex until you feed me,” she whispered.
“What do you want?”
“Sushi,” she said. “Not the healthy kind.”
“Perfect, I’ll order.”
I pulled on my shorts and went downstairs and stepped out onto the back porch under the guise of ordering food, but really I needed a moment. She was so casual when talking about her late husband, it was clear that she was used to being treated like a commodity. However, it was a relief to hear that while Gino was clearly an asshole who ultimately saw her as an object, he hadn’t physically harmed her or verbally abused her. It was more than I could say for some of the other men from his crowd.
I ordered our food and lit a cigarette. Fuck, it bothered me far more than I’d expected that she’d been told she wasn’t perfect. She deserved to feel perfect, to be loved for every imperfection, for every single part of her body.
My chest constricted as I thought back over our day together. I’d never felt this way about any woman before, but it didn’t frighten me as I’d expected. What frightened me was the thought of all of this ending, of having to go back to the hell I’d endured apart from her over the winter.
No, over my dead body would I go back to that.
I finished my cigarette and walked down the dark hallway just as the delivery driver knocked on the door. When I returned to the bedroom, she’d changed out of her lingerie and was fully naked beneath her silk dressing gown. She sat on the bed, her legs crossed, looking down at her phone. When I stepped in, her face lit up and I stopped short. My chest constricted.
“What is it?” she asked.
I shook my head. “Nothing, you just look…fucking sexy.”
She smiled, shaking back her hair. “Well, let me eat and then I want to hear you say that again. But this time with your cock buried in me.”
I went hard and her gaze flitted down as she accepted the paper boxes of sushi. Her polished veneer had dropped a little and I found I enjoyed the sight of her picking up sushi with her fingers and eating it. She was always so proper and seeing her relaxed was satisfying.
When we were finished, she set aside the empty boxes and crawled up to the top of the bed where I lay against the pillows. I wrapped my arm around her and she curled up like a cat against my side.
“Is this what you always wanted to be?” she asked. “An underboss.”
I shrugged. “With my background, I’m not sure I ever had the choice to go into anything else. But I don’t mind it. Is this, living in this house, being a wife to Gino, what you always wanted?”