Page 89 of Captured Fantasy
“Are…are you ready?”
I turned. “Of course. Let’s go.”
I lifted her from the truck and guided her up the walkway to the mansion. It was decorated for Christmas with glittering lights. Through the window I could see a large group had already gathered in the front room. We paused before the door and I turned Enza toward me, lifting her face up to mine.
“Trust me,” I said. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”
Her gaze lingered on my face and she nodded.
“Stay away from Carlo Romano,” I added.
Her brows scrunched together. “The boss? Why would he want to talk to me?”
I pushed open the door and guided her through. “I didn’t say he wanted to talk with you, I just don’t want you near him. But don’t worry about it, just don’t leave my side. Understood?”
“You’re getting awfully bossy lately, Cosimo,” she said, narrowing her eyes.
I made sure nobody could see us before spanking her across the ass. She jumped and her eyes widened and I caught the subtle shifting of her hips. Through the black silk of her dress, her nipples hardened into little peaks.
It might have been the double shot of bourbon I had at the bar, but I was feeling more ballsy than usual by the time dinner came and went. I’d met Federico’s gaze across the room three times now and he’d shot me a loathing stare, but he hadn’t confronted me. He knew better than to cause a scene in front of everyone.
I knew Lucien had seen me with her, had noted my arm around her waist and the curve of her head against my side. He only lifted a brow and moved on. He was distracted by bigger things, I’d spent enough time around him to be able to tell.
At some point in the night, Lorenza went to the bathroom with Mrs. Venetti and I stepped outside to have a cigarette. It was icy cold and when I crossed the porch, I noticed a faint puff of smoke in the air around the corner. I stepped forward and almost ran into Ahmed, wearing a tux and having a smoke by himself on the side porch. It struck me as odd that he was here. He spent most of his time in Cairo and he rarely came to the States unless it was something important.
“Ahmed,” I said. “I didn’t know you were here.”
He lifted his head. “Yeah, I flew in a bit ago. How’s your problem?”
“My problem?”
“The Lorenza Russo problem.”
I put the cigarette in my mouth and fished in my pocket, retrieving the ring. He flipped the lid and let out a low whistle, passing it back to me. I pocketed it quickly, glancing over my shoulder to make sure we hadn’t been seen.
“Fuck, you’re doing this, aren’t you?”
“I don’t know how, but yes,” I admitted. “Lucien still won’t give me permission and I haven’t asked her yet. But that’s not going to fucking stop me.”
“Good,” Ahmed said, clapping me on the shoulder. “Better to ask forgiveness than permission.”
The door slammed behind us and Sienna Esposito walked out and took a deep, nervous breath. I hadn’t noticed her earlier and I found it a little strange that she was in the city. Usually she preferred to stay in her apartment, spending holidays away from her family by choice. She released a breath and whirled, the front door slamming behind her. I turned and looked at Ahmed and it hit me all at once.
“Jesus,” I breathed.
“Huh?” Ahmed glanced at me.
“He’s doing it tonight,” I said slowly. “That’s why you’re here…that’s why Sienna is here. Fuck, I should have known as soon as I saw you.”
Ahmed’s hand shot out and grabbed my arm, his black eyes glittering. “Do not get involved, Barone. The trap is set, the pieces are in place. Now, we wait for Lucien to make his move. It’s all on him.”
I backed up. “I’m not getting involved, I’m getting my woman the fuck out of here.”
“I’d recommend doing that.” Ahmed nodded to the door. “Take her somewhere safe and don’t return until I contact you. All of our women are safe and accounted for if things go badly tonight. Make sure yours is too.”
I strode to the front door, keeping my face impassive, and stepped into the hall just in time to see Lucien at the other end. Romano walked in front of him, disappearing around the corner, and Lucien followed. The door shut and I stood there, frozen. Low voices started on the other side of the wall.
Heart pounding in the base of my throat, I headed for the bathroom Enza had disappeared into just minutes ago. She stood by the door, looking into a mirror on the wall and fussing with her hair. I moved in behind her, slipping my hand around her waist and pressing my mouth into her ear.