Page 43 of Captured Ecstasy
“I knew you had it under control.”
But she couldn’t have really known that. I leaned in and gripped her wrist, dragging her hand close to my face. She whimpered softly as I licked her wetness from her fingers. My God, she was so fucking good and now that we were stopped, I felt every painful throb in my cock.
“Put your clothes back on and get out,” I ordered.
“Peregrine,” she whispered, looking out the window to the dark, foggy woods.
I turned the car around and flipped the headlights all the way up. Then I reached across her body and unfastened her door, pushing it ajar. She gave a quiet gasp as I took her by the throat and kissed her swollen mouth.
“Get out.”
She obeyed this time, pulling on her panties, tights, and shoes. When she slid out, she left a wet mark on my seat in her wake. For a second, I stared down at it and then I swiped it clean with my hand and licked my finger.
My God, I was fucking pathetic.
Annoyed, I slammed my door and circled the car with purpose to where my wife stood on the pavement. She swallowed, but she didn’t shrink from me as I took her jaw in a gentle grip and kissed her again. Slow and deep until the breath from her lungs mingled with mine.
He was intimidating, I’d known that from the very beginning. But nothing compared to him right now as he stood over me in the dark. Kissing me with aching slowness. Burning my world down with his sweet fire.
Rendering me helpless the way he had on the stairs.
He broke from my mouth and pulled back just enough to run his tongue over my lower lip. Slowly, languidly. A shiver moved down my spine and set every nerve on fire.
“What are you really scared of, Lia?” he said softly.
I swallowed, a hollow in my chest. Being left alone in a room where no one cared, where no one ever came to check on me. Being ignored and unloved and shamed for needing attention. Being mocked for how my body melted at his touch, for how I craved his desire like a drug. That was the worst thing I could imagine, worse than the darkness surrounding us filled with the unknown.
“Do I frighten you?”
I shook my head. And then nodded. “I don’t know.”
“Do you want me to frighten you?”
In the dark, his eyes were black gold and unreadable. His fingertips skimmed up my stomach, over my breasts, and locked gently around my throat. I swallowed and the corner of his mouth jerked up in that crooked smile.
“I’m not sure if I should just bend you over the car right here,” he said. “Or should I make you run so I can have the satisfaction of catching you before I make you scream?”
I swallowed as he stepped back like an avenging angel and pulled something from his pockets and flipped it. I saw it for a glittering second, a silver quarter, and then he snatched it out of the air and closed it in his fist.
“Tails I chase you and fuck you on the pavement,” he said. “Heads I tie you to the car and fuck your pussy until you see God.”
His hand shot out and gripped my wrist, turning it over and pressing the coin into my palm. My heart was in my throat and my tongue was dry, but, my God, I was slick between my thighs. He somehow knew exactly where my weak spots were and how to touch them to make me fold.
“Flip it,” he ordered.
I obeyed, catching it in my hands and turning it over onto my wrist. It was heads. My heart fluttered as I met his dark gaze and he smirked, his hands drifting to his neck to undo his tie. He’d never tied me before and the thought was daunting—I would have almost preferred for him to chase me. At least that was familiar.
“Come here,” he said.
I obeyed, following him to the hood of the car. His lean fingers knotted the tie and as he worked, I found my eyes drifting to the shadows behind him. It was so dark and we were miles deep in the woods. An ache of fear moved through my body and I found myself shifting closer to him, drawn to his golden heat.
“Turn around and bend over the hood,” he said. “Put your hands together like you’re praying. You will be when I’m done with your pussy.”
I pulsed with fear and arousal, but I wanted nothing more than the sweet satisfaction of obedience. I slid down over the cool metal and clasped my hands together around the ornament in the center of the hood. His lean, hard body bent over me and wrapped the silk tie around and around my fingers and looped it in a slipknot. I flexed my wrists—it was snug, but not too tight. It was clear he knew what he was doing.