Page 14 of Paging Dr. Douche
I throw my hands up in exasperation."Go wash your fucking hands, I'm not trying to get whatever you've been touching on tonight." I say, and he jerks forward like he's going to touch me anyway.
I drop back and lift a hand, not afraid to punch him right in his chest if he keeps playing around.
"Oh, for fuck's sake, Mr. medical degree. I used a condom and my hands didn't go anywhere near any open wounds. Pussy, yup." He nods his head and I simply point to the kitchen, so he can go wash his hands.
I look down at my pager again to see if there was any need for me to go back to the hospital, but I don't think I'll need to.
We only have five patients staying overnight, and two of them were on the tail end of pneumonia, while the others were recovering from various injuries. Nothing pressing.
After Tripp washes his hands, he goes into my great room, kicks his shoes off and flops down on my couch.
"Oh god, I love this couch, this is why we're still friends." he says and snuggles in like he's going to go to sleep. I could let him sleep, but I actually need him to talk to.
"No sleeping. You had your booty call's place to sleep at." I remind him and he flips me off.
"Don't be like that, Nicky boy!" He tilts his head, and I ignore his use of the nickname.
He squints his eyes at me and sits up straight, "Oh, don't tell me you're jealous." With a groan, he gets up and makes his way over to me, "I can get you some trim if you need. You know I got you, bro." He pulls his phone out as if he were about to call a woman right now.
"What the fuck. No, thank you. I'd rather not have any of your sloppy seconds. I'm not jealous." I say a little harder than I intended it to be.
I'm not jealous, well, at least not very.
It's been over a year since I got laid, and it doesn't seem like the end of my dry spell is coming any time soon.
After Cynthia and I got divorced, I played the dating game for a little while, but Grand River is a very small town. Everyone knows me or knows of me, and most all of them think I'm an asshole. I've not been hitting any home runs with the ladies recently.
My parents made a joke recently that I'd have to go back to the old country to find a wife and give them some grandkids. I blew them off, but if things keep going the way they are, they may have a point.
I pull out the bottle of whiskey I keep for Tripp when he comes to visit, and he goes about pouring himself a healthy glass.
"So what the hell has got you looking like such a sour puss?" He asks me and I shake my head.
"Liar. I know you, man. I've seen you normal. I've seen you drunk, and I've seen you pissed the hell off. You're definitely in the pissed the hell off range right now." He takes a swig of the dark liquor and makes himself at home on one of the stools at my kitchen island.
"I'm not pissed off, just annoyed. We got a new temp nurse in today, and she actually had the nerve to tell me off like I don't know what the fuck I'm doing." I look up at him, expecting him to agree with me right away about her being the source of all my problems.
"Shut up! You mean she didn't roll over like a dead puppy simply because you walked into the room." he throws his head back dramatically, "Oh, the inhumanity." He's making fun of me, and that's not the shit I need.
"You know, if you're not going to be fucking supportive, you can get the hell out and go sleep at the Best Western or one of the other bed and breakfasts." I snap out at him before I look back down at my pager, checking if anything has come through. How I want some of that whiskey right now. As soon as midnight hits if I'm not at work, I'll be having a shot or six.
Tripp barks out a laugh and puts his cup back on the tabletop. "Look man, I'm being supportive, but you have to admit, I don't think besides Cynthia, you've ever met anyone, woman or man who you didn't have cowering in the corner at one point in their lives. If you're saying this woman is standing up to you, maybe this is exactly what you need. What did she do? What did she go against you on?"
I go about telling him the story about the woman coming in for a routine exam, of course leaving out all the identifying details, and when I'm done Tripp is still staring at me waiting for me to get to the punch line.
"Nic, are you serious? So, you're telling me right now you're upset because you got schooled?"
I jerk back, "I did not get schooled!"
"Like hell you didn't. I'm no doctor, but I can't find one thing wrong that she's done. Are you not supposed to be making your patients feel comfortable?"
"Well yeah, but she was already comfortable."
"Obviously not if your nurse felt like she had to do more to get the patient to be at ease. As for the KY jelly thing. Bro, have you ever dumped something freezing cold on your dick? That shit doesn't fucking feel good. Why the hell would it feel good going up a woman's pussy? If I were you, I'd be thanking this new girl for helping you out instead of trying to figure out a way to get away from her."
I shake my head, get off the stool, and go over to the fridge to get myself something to drink. Since I can't have liquor yet, apple juice will have to suffice.
"You know man, I'm just an outsider here but from what I'm hearing it doesn't sound like you're upset that she was right, and she was mind you, but more that you're upset that you're wrong. The great Greek god, Nic Dracos, is allowed to need help from time to time. You're allowed to fuck up. Like I said before, maybe this new nurse is exactly what you need to get that fucking chip off your shoulder." He downs the rest of his glass before reaching for the bottle to pour another.