Page 17 of Paging Dr. Douche
I lean back against the edge of the desk and feel under the lip of the tabletop for a panic button. Most of the larger hospitals I've worked at had one. I never bothered to check if there was one in here. My hand slides across the underside of the desk, I feel nothing. I could turn and use the phone, but I don't want to take my eyes off this man.
"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to fix your pants and go sit back on the bed." I say, keeping my voice strong.
"No, sweet girl. Can't you just touch it? I hurt so bad." he says, sounding like a fucking villain out of a straight to DVD horror film.
"I'm not touching anything, and you're making me very uncomfortable. Go sit down!' I shout at him, but that only makes him smile at me.
"Oh, feisty, I like that." He pulls his zipper down, and I can see the bulge of his unimpressive penis through his briefs.
I look around one last time for a way out. He grabs my hand and tries to get me to touch him. With a burst of strength, I snatch my hand back and use both my forearms to push him hard away from me.
In his drunken state, his balance is impaired, and he goes stumbling back until he lands on his ass with a thud. I don't wait to see if he's okay, but instead run out of the room.
I suck in a heaving breath as the door closes behind. My air gets caught in my throat as tears flow like a torrent down my cheeks. I turn and run in the direction of the locker rooms and accidentally run right into Dr. Dracos chest. He quickly puts his hands out to my shoulders to steady me, so I don't fall, but after what that asshole was trying to do to me in the patient’s room, I don't want anyone's hands on me.
I shake him off and look up at the man I've been going round for round with for the past few weeks.
I'm angry. Angry that I was put into that situation. Angry, it almost could have ended horribly for me.
Most of all, I'm angry that I'm stuck in this small town with people I don't really know and no one close to call for help.
Dr. Dracos is about to feel my wrath.
I put my finger up and point at him.
"You walk around here like you think you can do no wrong. You are quick to let everyone know that you're the CMO, the head man in charge, but you don't act like it any more than just ordering people around. This facility is supposed to be the cream of the crop here at Grand River, right? Then why don't you have fucking panic buttons in the rooms. As the boss, not only do you need to be concerned with the patient, but the employees too. How can we do our job if we don't feel safe? How can we do our job if the god-damn boss won't even take five seconds to say good morning? You think you know everything, but I'll tell you right now, Mr big man, you've got a shit ton more to learn." I finish my diatribe and I look around to see several nurses and two doctors out of the rooms looking at my emotional display.
I've just made a scene. Shit.
Dr. Dracos opens his mouth like he's going to say something, but I can't bear to hear it right now. I rush past him and run straight into the locker room, collapsing in the small space against the wall to let myself release the emotions that are bubbling up.
After a good cry, my mind lets me know that not only did I just embarrass the hell out of myself out there, but I cursed out my boss. Asshole or not, he's still my boss. I'm his subordinate, and I know I need to bite my tongue and make this right. He's within his rights to fire me for the way that I addressed him.
I wipe a paper towel over my face to dry my tears and take a steadying breath. I don't want to eat crow, but I know it's the right thing to do.
Time to pay the piper.
I wantto kill whoever put those tears on her face.
I stand in the hall in shock at the scene that just went down in front of me. Until I realize everyone else is doing the same.
"Shows over, back to work." I bark out and everyone moves to go back to whatever they were doing before.
I do my own internal assessment of what I'm more shocked about, and I'm alarmed to find that instead of being the most concerned by the fact that one of my nurses' was crying, I'm the most shocked about it being Nyla.
For the past ten years, even when I was only an attending. I made sure to never allow any type of disrespect toward me go unchecked. If they can disrespect you once, they'll do it a million more times. But this was different. This wasn't just some random nurse upset because I stuck her with a messy patient, this was Nyla.
In the few weeks that I've been working with her, I've never seen anything like this. Sure, she's annoying and intrusive, but she's always helpful. Always professional. Most of all, she's always got some form of a smile on her face.
She didn't just come out here to curse me out because she felt like it.
Someone did something to her.
I walk over to the nurses' station and see Nurse Lee swaying back and forth, looking in the direction of the locker room. I'm assuming she wants to go check on Nyla, but right now, I need to figure out what could have happened to cause Nyla to react so out of character.