Page 2 of Paging Dr. Douche
"No!" We all scream at once.
"I'm going to tell him you said that." Aiden laughs and I groan just thinking about it.
"You know I can't, I don't have a place for him to stay." I pipe up immediately.
"Oh, you're such a liar" Eric retorts. "You got that big, brand spanking new motor home. I've been inside that thing, you can sleep, what, five in there comfortably. Last I checked, you didn't have a husband or any kids, so it's just you. You know, dad has no problem sleeping on a pull-out couch."
I let my head fall back and close my eyes. He's right. I have more than enough space in my RV.
When I decided to take my job as a traveling nurse, I knew the one thing I didn't want to do was have to live out of hotels or borrowed apartments. I use the money that they give me for housing to maintain my RV.
It's a thirty-eight-foot luxury motor home with a queen size bed, two other sleeping areas, full fridge and bathroom, double sink, banquet styled dining area, marble countertops and large screen TV. I have more than enough room for my father to come to me for Thanksgiving.
I love my dad to death, but I hate being the center of his attention for more than an hour. Now that mom has passed away, I know he misses us kids even more, but my father is what you'd call... intense. He's never let the military training he got years ago go to waste. If he comes to stay with me for the holidays, by the time he leaves, I'll be polishing all my shoes and making my bed tight enough that I'll be able to bounce a quarter off the sheets.
"Fine, Call!" I say and the rest of my brothers repeat the same
"Oh, that was a bad idea." Ivan adds in his commentary.
He knows what everyone has, but doesn't note which one of us he's talking to.
"Eric, you're bid?"
"I want a daily Facebook post about your bowel movements for a month. Not just that you had one, but how well it went, if it was substantial, I want to be able to paint a picture in my mind of what it looked like and if someone comments on the post you have to reply with further details."
"What the hell! No way!" Aiden says.
"Come on, man, that's nasty." Finn says.
"And embarrassing, which is completely the point." Eric says, and I put my head back again. Why the hell do I agree to do this shit. My brothers can be so immature.
"Like Nyla said earlier, you're all free to go the pussy route like Ivan and call it quits." Eric says.
"Shut the hell up, I'm not a pussy. I know how much that playing card is worth. I love you bastards, but not that much." Ivan shakes his head and I chuckle.
He's lying, my brother would sell that card in a second if he knew it would help one of us. That’s just the kind of relationship he has with us.
"So what say everyone? Call or fold?"
"Fuck it, I call." I say, and finally, it's my turn to put in my bet.
"The loser has to dye their hair black and white in a zebra pattern, no shaving it off and no washing it out. If it starts to fade, get it touched up. Let's stick with the month time frame."
"You've got to be shitting me! You think I can walk into work with something like that?" Tyson says.
"Rules, rules, rules." I say again, letting him know that he has a choice.
"Damn it! I hate you." Finn folds
Now all that's left is Eric, Aiden, Tyson, and me. The loser is going to have to do a lot of messed up things over the next month, but I'm not going to go back on my word.
I'd be more worried if I thought I was going to lose. I'm not going to lose, though. I never lose.
My eyes scan the three remaining cards that I can see. The messed up part about blind man's bluff is everyone one around you can be showing low cards, but there's no guarantee that the card I have is any higher. I could be rocking a deuce right now.
"Last chance for anyone to fold." Ivan says. Always the one taking the lead. He's got the eldest brother persona through and through.
"I'm not going anywhere." Aiden says.