Page 20 of Paging Dr. Douche
"You're out of your mind!" Ardi says as we grab cold sandwiches and some chips for lunch. For what we've got planned, we're not going to be able to go out later.
"Why am I out of my mind? Honestly, is this town that dull, no one has ever played a prank before?" I ask and chuckle when she nods her head in a noncommittal way.
"Seriously, I don't know how Dr. Dracos is going to react to this. I'm pretty sure he'll fire everyone." She worries her bottom lip, looking over the selection of sodas in the display case once again.
"Negative. He may think he can run that entire hospital all by himself, but he can't. He needs us way more than we need him...well, that's not true. I mean, he does run the entire hospital, so maybe we need each other equally." I say and reach over her shoulder to pick up a Sprite. I've never met anyone who didn't love an ice-cold sprite.
"You know what, in the nine and a half years that I've been here, no one has even attempted to do anything like this. Fuck it. I'm down. " She says and keeps pace with me as we make our way to the counter.
I raise an eyebrow and look at her. "But?"
She snickers and pulls out her wallet, "But, if he wants the head of who did this on a platter, I'm going to say it was all you."
I throw my head back and cackle to the ceiling
That's more than okay, I can take on a little bit of Mr grumpy pants.
After the whole mess with the patient acting like a creep, Dr. Dracos got right to work installing panic buttons in every room. He even held a safety drill as to what should be done in case one of the nurses or other staff needed assistance while they were in the room alone. I'm happy that he took my request to heart and instead of just yessing me to death, he took the strides to address the problem.
I let a few days pass just to make sure everything was cooled down before I put my grand plan into action.
When I make a decision, I stick by it no matter what. When I told him that I was going to get him to break down those walls, I meant it. Even if that means I'm going to hear him barking a little bit before he realizes I'm not going to do him any harm.
Ardi and I have become really good friends and according to the latest water cooler gossip, Megan said that Dr. Dracos absolutely lost it on Mr. Whitman when he was kicking him out. He did that for me, and that only makes me want to bring him out of solitude so much more.
I enlisted the help of all the nurses on staff today to pull this off. I'm all for fun and games, but I don't want any patients to be affected by us slacking off.
Dr. Dracos is known for being able to handle most anything before he has to send them off to Wilmington. He's not one to back off from a challenge.
I wonder what he'll do when faced with otherworldly challenges. It is Halloween, after all. You never know what kind of ghouls and goblins are running around the streets.
* * *
The nursing staff worked their butts off all morning to be able to basically clear the board before lunch was over. Of course, Dr. Dracos doesn't know that. There is still a full panel for him to see, along with Dr. Mason.
I watch from the corner of my eye when Dr. Dracos retires to his office just as soon as there's a lull in his schedule. He's not in there for long before Ardi rushes to his room. I hear her telling him that he's got a walk in, in room nine. Ardi ducks off before he can get in the room, but I'm right here to take her place.
"Oh, hey, I thought this was Nurse Thomas' patient."
"She had to go to the ladies room. "I say nonchalantly.
He nods and we both walk into the room. On the exam table is a young man in the fetal position, clutching his stomach.
Dr. Dracos is instantly on task.
"Sir, What's going on today? I see you're in a lot of pain?"
"Yeah doc, I don't know, it feels like something is trying to eat me alive in there." The man groans out, exaggeratedly. I turn to the sink and do my best to compose myself.
"Okay, I need to take a listen. When did this start? How bad is the pain on a scale of one to ten, ten being the worst pain ever?"
He asks all the questions that I should be asking right now, but I can't open my mouth.
"Nurse Thimble, maybe you'd like to give me a hand here?" he snaps at me and I turn to look at him, giving him my best nod.
He huffs out a breath before focusing on the patient. "Alright, I need to see what we're dealing with. You're going to have to take off your sweater."
"I don't know, doc... I don't know if I should." the man says, and I move closer to the exam table.