Page 27 of Paging Dr. Douche
I guess I'm going to have to break out the trusty old tinder app again. There's no way I'm going to go after Dr. Dracos. I can only embarrass myself so many times.
She's gota plan up her sleeve, I just don't know what it is.
The anticipation is what makes this so unbearable. I just want to pull her to the back and shake the truth out of her, but that would mean I'd have to admit to her that she's getting under my skin.
I can't. I won't allow myself to do it.
It's been two full days since the fog horn pranks, and so far Nyla has made no attempt to get back at me. I don't know, maybe this is the prank. To have me so on edge that I break.
I decide to take the morning off to get my head together and hopefully throw off whatever plans she may have had for the morning time.
I walk into the office to see only one patient in the waiting area, which is good for me. I don't want to have to worry that I ducked out when they were super busy or anything like that.
A fresh round of sexy giggles captures my attention and when I look over to the nurses station I see a tall man with honey blond hair leaning over smiling very flirtatiously at both Nyla and Ardi. Nyla shakes her head and leans back in her chair, while Ardi leans forward and puts her chin on the heels of her palms, completely rapt with whatever he's saying.
"Tripp, what are you doing here?" I call out and he turns in my direction.
"Nicky boy! I had to come check on you. Make sure none of the vampires came to steal you away in the middle of the night.” He says, and the girls cackle at his joke. I want to flip him off so bad, but I'm at work and I don't want them to see me acting so unprofessional.
"I promise you, I'm fine. Leave my nurses alone. I'm sure they have some work to do?" I look at Ardi and Nyla and the both of them get up and start on the next of whatever duties they have left to do for the day.
"Wow, it's late. I came in expecting you to be here already." Tripp says, as he keeps pace with me, and we walk to my office.
I wait until we get inside and close the door behind me.
"That woman is driving me insane. I feel like this might be the prank. She hasn't said anything. She hasn't done anything. Maybe she has, and I didn't notice... oh god, what if she's poisoning me?" I think of all the fucked up shit that Nyla could've done to me, and instantly I erase the poison scenario. I don't think she'd actually ever hurt me.
Tripp rubs his hand on the back of his neck, "I don't know man, I've been digging for a while before you came in, and I'd be scared too. She's diabolical" He laughs and falls down into one of the chairs by my desk.
"See, I fucking told you. I don't know, I think I'm going to have to call a truce or something. I can't be nervous every time I come into work."
Tripp slams his hand down on my desk, and I jump at the sudden noise.
"Damn, man, you're right. Talk about jumpy."
"Go to hell, Tripp." I growl out and drop in my own chair.
He laughs and swings from side to side in the chair. "You know what, even though she's got you on the ropes right now, I don't think she'll be able to hold out much longer. She doesn't seem like the type to go the whole delayed satisfaction route." He shrugs, but instantly my mind drops straight to the gutter.
I could satisfy her. I could satisfy her as many damn times as she wanted.
"Ha! I knew it!" Tripp says and leans forward in the chair, breaking me out of my trance.
"What are you talking about now?" I sigh and turn on my computer.
"No, you can't get out of this. I saw that fucking look on your face, Nic. You like this woman. Stop denying it. It's a good thing, bro. When Cynthia pulled that shit all those years ago, I was sure you were traumatized or something, but Nyla is fucking perfect." He says excitedly.
My mood sours at the mention of my ex-wife's name and the fact that he's still trying to get me to believe that I have some deep whirlwind romantic feelings for Nyla when that's not the case. She's hot and I'm horny. It's all biological.
"Tripp, I'm getting sick and tired of telling you this. I don't like her like that."
Tripp glares at me and I keep his gaze. He should know by now I'm not going to cower away from him. He folds his hands and leans back in the chair, squinting his eyes at me. He blinks and looks down at his nails, picking some imaginary lint off his shirt.
"Fine, I hear you. You don't like her. That's good, I guess. I didn't know how to break this to you, but she and I are going out on a date this evening, and I'm pretty sure she wants me to see her new place, so as long as..."