Page 29 of Paging Dr. Douche
The flash mob ends just as quickly as it started, and everyone stands there for a while and claps for the performers. A moment later, Ardi and Nyla crack the whips and get the workers back inside the hospital.
The smiles are infectious, but it's one disease that I'm okay with spreading.
"Oh... my...god... your... face… was... price...less.... I... can't...breathe." Tripp is curled up on the floor hee hawing like a damn idiot, and I only stare down at him with a smile on my face.
"I wasn't that surprised." I say, and he bounces up like a meerkat.
"You bold-faced liar. I thought you were going to shit your pants. Oh man, I'm light-headed," He says and grabs my arms to help himself off the floor.
"Good! I hope you pass out! You're supposed to be on my side!" He looks at me and then laughs again. "I don't know, man, that's going to be hard to beat."
Nyla walks by me and bumps me with her hip. "Balls in your court, Doc." She winks, and I hear Tripp and Ardi ooo'ing behind me like a bunch of juveniles.
"I hate all of you." I say again and storm off to my office to get ready for the end of the day, Tripp follows behind.
For the most part, everything settled down. The nurses went back to doing their job and the clinic was quiet for the rest of the evening. Tripp stayed with me, and we hung out in my office for the last bit of time that he was here.
When it's time for the clinic to close, Tripp and I come out and are surprised to see Nyla out of uniform in a gray and red dress with Ardi putting some eyeliner on her.
"What's this?" I ask and Ardi looks at me, but there's no smirk, maybe just a little remorse.
"Oh nothing. I have a date and I didn't want to go all the way home just to come all the way back into town." She sighs and moves back when Ardi finishes with her.
"A date?" I ask, my voice getting a little more gruff.
Nyla turns her gaze on me and gives me an annoyed look. "Yes, a date, I'm not on call tonight. What's the problem?"
Tripp pokes me hard in the back, probably trying to make me stop. I don't want to stop. Who the hell is she going out on a date with? Is she seeing someone regularly? Why the fuck didn't I know this.
"Is it one of these jerkoffs from town?" Tripp asks, sounding way more playful about it than I did.
"Yeah, he seemed nice though." She shrugged.
"Seemed?" Tripp asks.
"Yeah, it's a Tinder date, so there's that?" She shrugs and rolls her eyes, "Crap, I'm going to be late. I don't want him to think I'll stand him up."
"Which restaurant is it again?" Ardi asks.
"Oh, the Gray Bird. It shouldn't take me that long to get there, right"
Ardi looks over at me and then back at Nyla, "No, but I think we should change these shoes. You sure we can't go by your place real quick? Tell the date you need, like twenty." Nyla looks down at her shoes and shrugs, pulling out her phone and texting the guy.
I go to ask another question, but Tripp grabs my arm and squeezes hard. Why can the two of them ask questions and not me? I'm trying not to pout, but I don't like any part of this situation. She doesn't know anyone around here. Who's to say that whoever she's meeting on Tinder isn't going to be some asshole?
I stand there in anger as I watch Nyla and Ardi leave for the night.
"Bro, get that look off your face. I know just how to get her back."
I wave my hand and walk away from him. "Tripp, I don't feel like playing right now."
"It involves making sure she doesn't go on that date." He says, and I stop in my tracks.
"Now you've got my attention." I turn and listen to the craziness my best friend has come up with.