Page 34 of Paging Dr. Douche
Cynthia walks with purpose out of my room, down the hall and stairs, and out of my house.
Even when the door slams and I know she's truly gone, I don't relax.
She wasn't lying.
Nyla is trying to change my entire personality. I'm known as the asshole around here because that's who I am. I haven't been putting on a show for people before she came here, and I'm not going to do it when she leaves, and she is going to leave. Her contract is only valid for a little more than two more months. I can't afford to lose the respect and reputation that I have now because I'm trying to please her. This needs to stop. It needs to stop now before either one of us gets in too deep.
Talkabout Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
Nic has been in a horrendous mood all day long.
I thought after we shared that rather bonding moment over the text messages, things would get easier, but it feels like he's gone back a few paces since yesterday. He's snapping at everyone, and all the walls that I just spent so long trying to tear down are right back up. He's already made one patient storm out today after their visit, muttering something about how much of an asshole Dracos was.
My heart hurts for me and him.
I really thought I was getting through to him, and I was so happy to see him finally letting go. To see him back in this state is heartbreaking.
"Nurse Lee, I asked for that lab work more than twenty minutes ago! Why is it that I have to call over to them myself for something that I already told you to do?" Dr. Dracos leans out the door and yells at Megan, which causes her to clam up and go rigid in her seat. He slams the patient door before she can say anything in return, and when I look over to her, I see the phone in her hand.
She hangs it up and turns to look at her workstation.
Ardi groans and picks up one of the next charts. "Well, it was good while it lasted." She puts a hand on my shoulder and gives it a squeeze. Everyone has already given up on him.
I won't.
Something's going on, I may not figure it out today, but I will eventually.
A patient walks in for a routine check-up to see Dr. Dracos, and everyone around looks absolutely petrified to even touch the chart. No one wants to deal with Dr. Dracos today. I grab the chart and the patient and walk toward the room.
"Hey, wait. I didn't enter it into the system." Ardi says.
"Go ahead, do it. By the time you finish, I'll be finished. Two birds with one stone, right." I shrug and walk the patient in the room.
The sooner we get him in and out, the better.
"What's going on here today? Everyone seems so tense." The patient asks as I grab my pad to record any information that I have about him until Ardi can get his chart in.
"Just a bunch of people in bad moods. You know, typical things." I give my best explanation and go on about my checks. By the time I get to the patient's blood pressure, Nic bursts in the door.
"Nurse Thimble, what are you doing?" He stares daggers at me, and they are so filled with anger that I'm momentarily speechless. Even when I'd just gotten here, he didn't look at me like that. What could I have done to him overnight that would have caused him to hate me this quickly?
"Um... I" I stutter, and he crosses his arms over his chest.
"Why is it taking you so long to formulate a response to such a simple question? You brought my patient into this room without my knowledge or request. I want to know what you're doing?"
Okay, that's enough. I bring my shoulders back and stare him down. "I'm completing the preliminary workup for the visit."
"I see, and is that how we do things here? Last I checked, I'm the one who decides when the patients come in and when I'm ready to see them? Did you all of a sudden become my boss and I not get the memo?" His eyebrows furrow and I want to suck my teeth at the ridiculousness.
I can't call him on the bullshit though because what he's saying isn't wrong. This isn't usually how things are done here, but he doesn't have to yell at me in front of the patient about it. It's not that fucking serious.
"No, that's not the case. I was just trying to be proactive instead of waiting for you to be done with your current patient." I say giving the best excuse that I can.
"So you were taking shortcuts?" He says, and I balk at the idea.