Page 37 of Paging Dr. Douche
"Nic, please, please, move it... ophio... ophio...." She's stuttering, and then I realize what she's trying to say.
"Ophidiophobia?" I ask and she nods once.
Fucking hell. "Oh god, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Shit!" I rush to grab the snake and throw it out the window.
Ophidiophobia is the clinical term for someone who has an intense, overwhelming and debilitating fear of snakes.
Once the snake is out of view I turn back to her, she backs away from me, tripping and falling to the ground like she thinks I might still have it. I show her my hands. "It's gone. I swear to you. It's gone. I'm sorry. I didn't know, I'm sorry."
I crawl over to where she is, and she nods, but now instead of the stock still, her entire body is trembling as the adrenaline leaves her system.
My dumb ass prank pushed the woman into a full-blown anxiety attack.
Tears stream down her face as she sucks in deep breaths and fights through this.
"Nyla, Jesus, I'm sorry." My voice cracks at the end. I did this, I put her in all of this pain. What kind of piece of shit would do this to her?
I grab her, lifting her up to her feet and hold her in my arms, prepared for her to push me away, but instead she clings to me hard, crying into my chest.
"You win... you win.... no more pranks." She says, still hyperventilating.
"No, I don't. I don't want to win. This was a fuck up. You need to breathe in, Nyla. Come on, you know how to do this. Breathe in." I say, trying to get her nurse's mind to kick back in. If she keeps up breathing like this, she's going to pass out, and then I may have to ask someone to knock me the fuck out right next to her because I'm the one who did this to her.
"I try... I try…" She says not letting go of me. When I don't hear any change I contemplate calling Ardi down, so she can help me, but I should be able to handle this on my own, I'm a doctor for Christ’s sake. I need to get her to calm her breathing down.
"Nic..." She calls for me and looks up. Her tear soaked face, so much fear and uncertainty.
I thought I'd do anything to see her smile at me... No, I'd do anything to make this go away.
With that thought, I lean down and press my lips to hers, which shorts her breathing, bringing it to an abrupt halt. Ten seconds later, I pull away, and she's breathing close to what she should.
I should back away... I should give her space, but when she threads her fingers into my hair and lifts to kiss me again, moving away is impossible.
All that fire and sass she has is concentrated right there on her lips, and I want to taste every last drop.
More.More. I need more.
His lips feel like a warm blanket draped over my body, keeping me safe from all the bad that's in the world. Every thread of tension in my body slips away, and all I'm left with is the unrestrained need to feel more of him.
Since I got here, I've been fighting Nic. Fighting for him not to be an asshole. Fighting for him not to be so closed off. Now I'm fighting for him to keep kissing me like this. Kissing me like I'm all he's ever wanted. . He kisses me until I gasp in for breath, and then steps away.
"Nyla, are you..." The worry and desire is etched onto his tanned skin. Those dark, intense eyes staring into mine.
"No." I croak out, but I'm not complaining about the snake anymore. Now I'm not okay because he's stopped kissing me. I lean up on my tip toes, thread my fingers into his hair and press my lips to his, taking control of the situation as best I can. I should have known that it wouldn't last for long. Nic isn't the man to be led, he'll take the lead and I have no problem letting him. He kisses me with no holds barred. When My leg lifts and wraps around his thigh, a deep hungry groan pushes its way out of his mouth, and it drives me wild.
So far, he's always been so controlled. Even the pranks that he's done have had an air of control to them, but what I'm feeling from him right now is complete mayhem.
I rock my core against him, feeling his rock-hard cock in the thin pants he’s wearing, whimpering when he grabs hold of my hip and pulls me tighter against him. He pushes my head back, and I moan while he slides his tongue and lips across the long column of my neck. My stomach tightens in anticipation as he makes his way down to my collarbone, his free hand pushing up my shirt, so he can trail his fingers across the skin of my abdomen.
Desire floods through me
God, how I want this man. I want him inside of me right now, and I don't care that we're in a small locker room with me in nothing but my work scrubs. It's been so long since I've been with anyone and if the way he has my body on fire is any indication I'm sure I've never been with anyone like him.
I roll my hips in a small clockwise circle and when I hook my leg up higher I can feel the underside of his dick pressing against my clit. He could make me come like this.