Page 39 of Paging Dr. Douche
"What? Am I not supposed to think it's fancy?" I ask.
"Nyla, when we're not on the clock, I want you to call me Nic. I don't ... Just could you please?"
Oh... I see.
"I think I can do that, Nic." I lean back further in my chair, waiting for him to get on the road.
I give him the address of where I have my RV parked, and before we even make it there, he's asked me at least ten times if I'm certain it's the right address. It's on a small strip a few blocks outside of town, but it was the only place that would allow me to park up the RV legally. The last thing I need is for my baby to get towed while I'm working. Finally, when we get there, I can see how shocked he is, mostly because I'm parked out here all by myself.
"Nyla, is that where you've been staying? Are you serious? It's a bus. You can't be comfortable in there. I can..." I reach up and put my hand across his mouth to keep him from talking.
"Don't judge until you see. Come on." I get out of the car and walk toward the large, thirty-seven foot RV. On the outside, it's nothing fancy. Black and gold, the wheels could be cleaned off a little, some mud splatter on the back, but I'm not concerned about that. A good rain will clean that right up.
I pull out my keys and open the triple locks on my doors. Doing so just to show Nic. He moves closer to me, but he's still scanning the outside of the seemingly normal bus. I'm so happy I cleaned up before I came to work this morning.
I open the door and step onto the bus, grabbing his hand so that he'll follow me. I feel his body jerk in surprise when he sees the inside of this so-called regular bus.
"Holy shit!"
I reach over and turn the lights on, showing the massiveness of my space, and his mouth drops open in shock.
"This is ... holy... this is awesome!" he says, and I can tell by his expression that he means it. It may not be Tesla awesome, but My RV is nothing to sneeze at. I reach over by the steering wheel and activate the switch that expands the sides, so the walkway is at its full width, and he gasps.
"No way! It's like a full house. This is the coolest shit I've ever seen.
"Go on, look around." I say, waving him forward., It doesn't take much. He's lifting the counter top and turning the swiveling the movable chairs. When he gets to the bedroom and sees that it's actually a decent size, he comes back out.
"Yup, it's settled." He says, and I cross my arms over my chest, thinking he's going to say something like I still need to go to the hotel.
"I need it. I'm going to order one for my birthday." I toss my head back and laugh. I kick my shoes off and sit on the couch turning on the TV in front of me while he does the same, except he's on his phone literally looking up my RV, so he can buy himself one.
"You take this everywhere with you?"
"Yeah, I enjoy the adventure of my life, but I don't think I'd like to live out of hotels. They feel so impersonal. At least with the RV, I know what the shower pressure feels like. I know what the bed feels like. Which way to lay on the couch to not have the glare hit the TV. It's mine and it's home." I say and he smiles at me.
He stares at me for a second, and within an instant, I can feel my desire for him ramp back up. I need to stop. This might have been a bad idea. "Um, you want something to drink? I know you have to drive. Soda? Water?" I ask and he opts for a soda. I hand him a Coke and pull one out for myself. I offer him a glass, but he refuses it.
"So now that you're a bit happier with me, can I push my luck and ask how you developed your fear of snakes?" He takes a sip of his soda, looking unsure.
"Ugh. It's so stupid."
"No, don't you do that. You and I both know that phobias are no laughing matter. Your body is reacting that way, it's real, and nothing about it is stupid. If you don't want to go into it, I understand. "
"No, it's okay, I've actually had it since I was about ten years old. I was a really big tomboy growing up. Always wanting to be one of the boys, and I wasn't so one day some of the kids in my town decided to play a joke on me to get me to leave them alone while they played. They told me they were playing hide and seek, and the best place was this abandoned hunting cabin. I went with them, and they ended up locking me in there. I don't think they knew that it was a breeding ground for whip snakes, but there were dozens in there. I was stuck in there all night long because they had run away. The snakes bit and crawled all over me. All of them were aggressive because it was their mating season. My brothers found me in the morning, damn near catatonic and swollen from all the bites. Safe to say, since then, snakes and I don't get along.
He leans back against the chair and scrubs a hand down his face. "I can totally understand how you could fear them. That sounds horrific. That's what I get for trying to be funny." He sucks in a disgusted breath.
"Nic, don't worry about it. You already made up for it." I put my hand on his thigh and his body goes stiff.
Shit. Wrong move. I pull my hand away, and he grabs hold of it and puts it back. That anger I saw on his face back in the locker room has returned, but I'm not sure what the problem is.
"Nyla, all I've wanted for the past few weeks is to touch you and to feel you touch me the way you did in the locker room. I don't want to forget it or pretend it didn't happen, I want more of it. I want all of it." He says staring at me and I feel my panties saturate with my arousal.
"Nic, you know we can't. That's just going to hurt both of us in the end. You know I'm right." I say trying to be the voice of reason.
"You're right, I know. I think I just need the night. I'll be on my best behavior tomorrow." He stands up, places the can of soda on the counter, and starts for the door.
Watching him get ready to leave feels like someone is trying to break me in half. I know it's the right thing to do, but not feeling more of his mouth on me feels like the absolute wrong thing to do. "Or..." I say, calling out, stopping him in his tracks. "We can just have the one night together and get it out of both of our systems, you know. A purge... it'll be easier..." his eyes go dark, and before I can wait for his response I'm rushing over to him and I attack his mouth like a savage beast. He catches me, the man gives just as good as he gets.