Page 42 of Paging Dr. Douche
"Nurse Thimble?"
"As the CMO, I'm going to need to ask you to turn a blind eye to a missing medication packet." She says, and instantly my eyebrows furrow.
I didn't think she had any sort of substance abuse problem and no matter how my body feels for her, I'm not going to tolerate it in my facility.
"What are you talking about? What medication?" I ask, getting upset.
"Well, it starts with Plan and ends with B." she smirks, and it dawns on me that we are in the window for her to use some contraceptive for last night.
She's the first woman that I've ever had sex with without a condom. Not even Cynthia had that privilege, and she was my wife. I trust Nyla explicitly, but she's right about not wanting to have a baby right now. Not when our lives were in such a turmoil.
"Ah yes... yeah... go on." I tell her and rub the back of my neck, suddenly feeling a little uneasy about it. I could write it off as a damaged medication, but I'm not sure if I would be too upset if she didn't take it at all.
At thirty-eight years old, I did figure I'd already have a child. It may not be in Nyla's plans, and I can't force that on her. Especially after she's already expressed to me how much she enjoys the adventure of her life.
She nods and rushes out of the room. It was all very clinical, no long glances or special smiles. I hate that we’re back to this, and the more we get through the day without acknowledging what we did last night, the more agitated I get.
Just as I'm about to pull her to the side and talk to her, a loud boom vibrates the window of the hospital.
I don't know what's going on, but if this is another prank, she's going too far. I look over to Nyla, who is staring at the window the same as I am.
"Nurse Thimble, is this..."
"That's not me." She says, and from the fear blooming on her face, I believe her. I run to the door, swinging it open to look outside. It's a scene out of a horror film. A school bus full of people seems to have rolled over and crashed into one of the stores.
"Oh fuck!" I hear Nyla say behind me, and everything in my mind shuts off besides one thought.
Save them.
I race as fast as I can towards the bus, which is already starting to smoke. A small bit of flames coming up from the back side. As I get closer, people inside are screaming for help, clamoring to get out of the overturned bus.
I grab hold of the emergency exit window and rip it off, allowing those that can move to jump out. Blood and glass is everywhere. More people from the surrounding area rush to help me.
"Grab him and sit him on the side. He has a head wound." I order to one of the men that works in the deli.
There's no back talk, the people just listen to what have to say.
"Lay him on the side, watch his leg!" I hear another voice and when I look to the side I see Nyla is right there directing traffic the same as I. She comes onto the bus via the front door, and we get to work trying to free the few kids who are pinned on the side of the bus that is on the ground.
It seemed like it was a bus full of football players, probably on their way to the game. The man driving is still slumped over in the seat, unconscious.
"Nyla, check on the driver. Signs of life?" I ask her, and she rushes to do what I say.
"Faint," she says as she presses her fingers to his throat to check for a pulse.
"Doc, get me out of here!! I can't breathe. I can't ..." A young boy, probably no older than fifteen, says, and I do my best to lift the seat that has him pinned down, but I can't do that and pull him out. I call for another one of the neighbors that has come to help. It takes four of us to lift and get the kid out, but I drag him to the outside and listen as he gasps for air. His lung must have collapsed.
I look to the side trying to figure out in that second how I can get all the way back to the hospital, but I don't have to, Ardi is already there setting up small workstations on the ground and directing the rest of the nurses. Dr. Mason comes to my aid, pushing me back towards the bus.
"Go get the rest. We got it, Nic. Go!" He shouts, and I'm back on my feet, rushing to get the rest. Eight more kids.
The flames on the side of the bus get bigger and I finally hear the fire department rushing toward us.
One by one we get all the people out. Save for the driver, who is still stuck in the seat.
"Nic! Help me!" Nyla calls out for me as she tries to pull at the seatbelt that is holding the driver hostage. I push her hands away and take out my small tool set I have in my pocket. It has a small scalpel and I use it to cut the seatbelt. The older man slumps forward immediately, and Nyla catches him before his head hits the steering wheel. With great effort, coughing from all the smoke, the both of us pull him out of the bus and lay him over on the ground.
Instantly Nyla is on his chest administering CPR while I'm in the emergency supplies pulling out the epi and AED. I switch places with her, and she pulls out the rest of the supplies we need. We work in tandem, administering CPR and shocking the man. Sweat drips down my face, coming to a point on the tip of my nose, before it drops off as the both of us work hard on the man.