Page 46 of Paging Dr. Douche
This ishow people should wake up after a long day.
I stretch my arms out over my head and look to the side to see Nic still knocked out cold. We all did a lot yesterday after the huge crash, but he was running on a hundred for hours, not taking a minute to eat or even just breathe. That kind of dedication is awe-inspiring. It's no wonder so many people in the town respect him so much.
I hear a high-pitched beep from the side of me and realize it's my phone. It's going to die soon. I pick it up and see it's nearly 830 in the morning. I'm supposed to start my shift at nine, but I don't think I'm going to be able to. Not the way I'm feeling right now. Both drained and pleasantly fulfilled.
I call in speaking softly not to wake Nic who needs all the rest he can get and speak with Ardi.
She lets me know that she already cancelled all the regular patients and Dr. Lovell is here to take up the slack.
I'm grateful for her and this job. Some hospitals would have demanded that I show up, but Ardi knows what we all went through last night.
As I hang up the call, another beep from my phone alerts me to the fact that I'm going to need to charge it soon. I don't have any of my things here, but maybe Nic has a charger somewhere. I don't see anything in any of the outlets, so I open the drawer on his nightstand, and the first thing I see is a pack of condoms.
Condoms we hadn't used. I'm not worried about him doing something that might hurt me, but pregnancy is a great risk. I'm not ready to have a baby, but I know how they are made, and we are definitely doing a lot of practicing.
Under the condoms is a pair of panties, and suddenly, my sure feeling that everything would be fine starts to drift away.
What the hell are these doing here? I don't see anything that would point to the fact that he had a woman, but I never asked. I don't really want to either, we've been living in a bubble of secrecy and hidden trysts. It's exciting, but I don't want to be a homewrecker.
He told me that he hadn't had sex in quite some time and I believed him, but if these are here, maybe he wasn't being as honest as I thought he was. We're really going to need to have a discussion soon.
I close the drawer and lay back against the extra fluffy pillow and look up at the new ceiling.
He makes me happy even when he's being a complete ass, he somehow has the ability to make me smile, but I've got less than five weeks left here. Then I'm on to the next town with new doctors and new staff to work with. I'd never once thought about resigning from my job so why now, all of a sudden, am I thinking about leaving my staffing agency?
I don't know if I'm feeling like this because it's all so new. I don't want to give up my way of life for something I'm not certain of. What happens when he gets tired of me? I need to separate myself from him and this feeling before I end up getting hurt. I've got a perfect life and I want to keep it.
I shake my head and admit to myself I'm not going to be able to get back to sleep, even though I feel like I can use another hour or two. I didn't get a chance to see all of his house, and I'm not going to go snooping. Who knows what I'd find if I did. I especially don't want to find any more surprises like I just found in his side drawer.
I look back to the bed and my insides melt a little as I watch his usually hard face twitch up into a small smile at something going on in his dreams. I hope he's thinking about me.
I get out of the bed and walk to the in-suite bathroom. I turn on the lights and my eyes nearly bulge out of my head. I knew he was rich, but this is more than rich. This entire house is fit for a king. I look around, realizing that he could probably fit half my RV in the bathroom alone. Not only that, I realize that besides what we've shared in the hospital and that night at my RV, I don't know very much about Nic. Someone this rich must have something on the internet about him. I'm going to have to do some digging.
I grab one of his fluffy towels off the rack and walk over to the shower. After a few seconds trying to figure out how it all worked, I turned the spray on and got it to the perfect temperature.
It's better than my shower in the RV, I can say that, but I'm thinking it might also be the fact that I know Nic is so close. I like being in his space. I like having his hands on me, and as the shower washes over my face, I feel the start of tears prick the back of my eyelids.
I don't want to have to leave this.
Why now? Why here?
I'm so unsure about my choices, even though I was set on my path before I got to the small town. These feelings aren't just something I can ignore, even though I want to so bad. I wish I could say I knew for sure that if I stayed, Nic and I would be together for the long haul, but Nic isn't mine to keep. He's only mine for right now.
What's the saying? It's better to love and to have lost. Well, I'm already falling in love, and I'm dreading the losing part, which is coming for us faster than I can imagine.
I lift my face to the spray and let the water wash away my sadness.
Every time we have sex, I tell him it's the last time, but I don't want this to be the last time. If I'm set on leaving after my contract is done, I want as much of Nic as I can get until I have to leave. I'm going to take him for all he has, and on those lonely nights in my RV, at least I'll have these memories to think back on.
Best.Night. Ever.