Page 52 of Paging Dr. Douche
My mother was so happy when Cynthia and I hooked up. She was sure that she was the right match for me. Happy that our family line would continue to be as prosperous as the last. It's probably why I stayed in the relationship so long.
As Nyla and I are making our way through the crowd, one of the butlers stops in front of me. "Dr. Dracos, Your mother and father would like to have a word with you in the study... privately." He cuts his eyes at Nyla but just like the rest doesn't bother to address her.
"Ah, that's okay. I need to find the ladies' room anyway." She says, rubbing a hand down my arm.
"Okay, I'll be right out. There's a bathroom right down that hall." I point her in the right direction and watch as she makes her way there.
I fist my hands against my sides once, then twice, before I turn and make my way to the study.
When I walk in, my father is sitting in his old chair with one leg crossed over the other at the ankle and a cup of dark liquid in his hand. It's my mother who is pacing the floor like a lion in a cage.
"Nic!" She snaps at me when she's realized I walked in.
"Hello, mother, it's nice to see you." I say.
"Don't you dare. Are you trying to embarrass me? Is that what this is? I mean honestly.... What are you doing here with that... that woman?" She asks and sneers at her own comment.
"What? What would make you think I wouldn't date after my divorce. Am I not allowed to have lady friends?" I ask her, using every bit of self-control I have to stay respectful.
"Of course, you can have lady friends. I'm no fool, you're a man. But you bring her into our home?"
"Mom, don't talk about her like that. You don't know what kind of woman she is... she's" I try my best to defend her, but my mother throws up her hands and stops me.
"No, I don't want to hear it. I know what kind of woman she is. She's a gold digger trying to get a piece of what we have. You should be doing better than this at your age, Nic. You had everything with Cynthia and you gave it up, why? Because you couldn't see your way through a rough patch?"
"Rough patch! Mother, that woman never loved me, and she's more of a gold digger than Nyla will ever be. I don't know what I have to do to get you to realize that Cynthia isn't and will never be what I need. You'd condemn me to be in a loveless marriage for what? Because it made us look better? I don't want that!" I yell back at her.
"Fine, you don't want that. So be it, tell me what you do want? Some woman who I hear doesn't put roots down anywhere. She'll ruin you and the family name, all because you're looking for a good time. Grow up Nic. This is your home. You can't run off like some vagabond in the wind because you don't want to handle your responsibilities." My mother snarls at me, and I turn to my father to see if he'll have anything to say in my defense or otherwise. The man lifts his glass to his mouth and takes a slow sip as if he's at a five-star resort and not in front of his wife and child having a huge row. I shake my head in disgust. No matter what, no one is ever going to accept that I'm happy with Nyla. It feels like I have to be happy on everyone else's terms or not at all. All this fighting for someone who's going to be gone in a matter of weeks. I don't want to lose the respect of the town and I know I can't leave, it feels like I'm fucking trapped here.
"I'll be taking my leave then, you two have a good night." I retort, turning on my heel, not wanting to hear anything else that comes out of either one of their mouths.
I walk back out into the crowd, ignoring a few people who try to get my attention, so I can find Nyla, and we can leave. I spot her coming from the direction of the bathroom, except instead of the usual smile that's on her face, she's upset and closed off.
Any chances of ending the night on a good note has already flown out the window. Maybe It's for the best.
That seems to be what everyone else thinks.
Talk about rich.
Every time Nic takes me some place I'm reminded by just how wealthy the man is. Now that I've seen his family home I know that he's the kind of rich that will never know what poor actually is.
I'm impressed, but I'm more interested in the space that Nic grew up. What kind of craziness did he get into when he was a child running around these halls?
I can tell just how uncomfortable he is being here. I'm hoping it's because everyone is giving me dirty looks and not because he doesn't want me to be here with him.
I did the very best that I could as we walked around to break down the guard of a few people, and for the most part, it worked. It's easy to see how much they respect Nic.
When the butler came up and told Nic that his parents wanted to see him, it was the great excuse for me to go to the bathroom and compose myself. Pretending not to be bothered by all the nasty looks is tiring. I needed a few seconds just to breathe.
There's a small sitting area right in front of the bathroom, and I take a moment to relax when the door opens and another woman walks in.
"Oh I'm sorry. I'm coming right out." I say, realizing that I'm taking up the bathroom.
"Oh no, it's no rush." The woman says and gives me what looks like a sweet, genuine smile.