Page 59 of Paging Dr. Douche
"Oh hell no! Is Tripp coming too?" I ask and Tripp tips his head giving me a cherubic smile.
"You're kidding me, this is far too much testosterone." I look over to Nic and bat my lashes playfully, "Can I bring a girlfriend?"
He squints and gives me a nod, "Ardi?" I say.
"What? No way. I couldn't."
I turn to gawk at her. "Why not?"
"Um… " Her eyes dart from me to Nic. Yeah, they've never been on a friendly basis. Just a few weeks ago, she was nothing more than a worker to him.
"It would be my honor if you'd come over too, Nurse Thomas. " Nic says, obviously sensing her discomfort.
I look over Nic's shoulder and I mouth the words, "Help me!" which gets her to laugh. "Okay, I'm in."
Thank god. I don't know if I'm going to be able to deal with all of them on my own.
* * *
I was right to ask Ardi to show up, the minute they all got in the house it was like a big freaking frat party. Nic really loosened up which was a surprise to me. I've never seen him like this.
"This is crazy," Ardi pulls me aside as I watch the eight of them trying to play poker. Of course, my brothers don't play for money, and I'm actually impressed at the stuff Nic agrees to do.
"Tell me about it." I say, shaking my head at them.
"No, not them. Though seeing Nic act like a real person instead of a machine is nice as well. I can't believe he's letting me call him Nic. That was a heart-stopper in itself." She laughs before she raises her hands and gestures to the house. "I was talking about his house. This place is astonishing. I mean I always knew he and his family were rich, but this is bonkers." She smiles, and I look around at the extravagant abode.
"Yeah, actually, that reminds me. What do you know about his family? He keeps everything so close to the chest. I don't really know much about him." I say softly.
"I don't know much either but, this is the twenty-first century. I'm sure we can find out something about him." She shrugs and pulls out her phone.
We do a little sleuthing and find some generic information about him and his family. Information about his great-grandfather, who was a Greek immigrant. Then, to my surprise, we find Nic on a small but informative website called Bad Billionaire Bachelors.
It's a very crudely put together website where women anonymously will complain about the billionaires that they've dated or who they can't get to give them a chance.
Nic has two full pages to attribute to his douchey behavior before I showed up. By the third review, Ardi and I are on the floor in hysterics.
"What the hell is so funny?" Tripp asks.
I pull the phone up and start reading out some of the reviews, "The man stares at me like I have three heads. Just because he's a world-class doctor doesn't mean he has to be an asshole about it. If he wasn't so damn sexy..." I continue, "Dr. Dracos is by far the most gorgeous doctor I've ever seen, but I've come into his practice three times already, and he never remembers me. I wonder if I could do something next time to jog his memory... Dr. Dracos is such a jerk, he took me out on a date and the minute I mentioned spending the week together, he told me he'd rather work on the infectious disease ward than spend another minute with me. As if I'm that hung up on him!" I laugh harder, and Nic comes storming over to me.
"Where are you getting that?"
I pick up the phone and show it to him. "You're a celebrity. Got your own page on a man bashing website. Way to go, Dr. Douche." I can't stop the laughter, even as he stares at the screen in horror.
"Damn, brother, you weren't doing so good with the ladies." Ivan makes fun of him, and then all of my brothers are looking up the website and laughing right along with me. By the end, Nic is shaking his head and laughing at himself. Trying to explain the few instances that he can remember.
I watch him out of the corner of my eye, and that small flutter I've been feeling in my gut expands.
All my brothers, Ardi, my father, Tripp and Nic are laughing and enjoying life. This is what home really feels like. It dawns on me that I've been going from place to place trying to find this when all I've had to do was be around family.
I can't lether go.
Nyla and Ardi are walking around the grounds, but I'm still spending time with her brothers and father. I can see where she gets her demeanor from, and I realize I've never had what she has. A family that really cares about her happiness. Once they figured out that I hadn't hurt her, they accepted me right away.