Page 17 of Sinfully Loved
I said nothing. It was none of Emilio's business how I lived with the woman he had hidden from her father for years now.
I remained silent. So at some point, Emilio simply said goodbye and hung up.
Isuccessfully deluded myself into thinking this was nothing more than a vacation. In a rather poorly chosen vacation spot, but a vacation anyway. I had no work so far, could do what I wanted all day, and did not even have to cook, because I found meals in the fridge every time hunger drove me to the kitchen.
Either Vincenzo enjoyed cooking, or he had meals delivered regularly. Whatever it was, I certainly wouldn't complain about it.
Armed with a book and a towel, I made my way outside. The midday sun had passed its zenith, so it should be enjoyable at the pool.
With the clothes they had bought for me, I also found a bikini that fitted like a glove. The ladies in the boutique were excellent.
I always kept in mind that Vincenzo was also running around somewhere, but since I hadn't seen him yet, I wasn't worried that it would happen now.
Once outside, I noticed the pool stretched for about twenty yards and was at least five wide. It wasn't just a pool – it passed for twice the size of a regular outdoor pool. And Vincenzo had all of that to himself without ever using it? I remembered well the unbearably hot days on the coast, which had not become more pleasant even after a dip in the sea.
Of course, there were no sun loungers or a parasol, so I put my book and towel aside and looked around with my hands on my hips. He had to have something like that. No one had a pool but no outdoor furniture.
My gaze fell on the two adjacent, much smaller houses. Was he using one of them as a large storage room? I could have just found him and asked, but it was easier to look for myself.
The flip-flops were only moderately suitable for the walk across the lawn to the tiny house on my right. I peered through one of the windows, ignoring that the grass almost reached my chest. Inside, I saw a dusty car and what looked like a workshop.
Of course. The car got its own house, but the pool didn't even get a sun lounger.Fantastico.
With a snort, I crossed the garden and made my way to the other house, which had no windows on the side facing the main house and pool. Even better.
I fought through the tall grass but quickly realized that no one had bothered to maintain the path for quite a while. In addition, it stank beastly.
I raised my hand to my nose, wondering why I hadn't noticed the smell before.
I made it to the corner of the house, then my path was blocked by a massive chain-linked fence that had previously been hidden by the tall grass and bushes. Why would Vincenzo fence off this part of his property of all places?
So there was no sun lounger here either?
With a snort, I pushed the branch aside so that I could at least peek through the fence to the other side. The stench was clearly coming from there. Like a…
I stumbled back, screamed, and promptly landed on my butt. Eyes wide, I watched as the huge cat came at me, unable to move an inch. Or to breathe.
Giant cat.
Giant cat with black stripes and orange fur.
The majestic animal stared back at me with bright green, almost yellow eyes, and I wasn't sure whether to curse, scream, or run away. Ultimately, my paralyzed body decided it was best not to move at all, preferring to watch the cat lick its nose and meow as only house cats usually did. Well, not meow. More like a roar. Loud. Dangerous.
My heart drummed in my chest. I felt sick when my eyes fell on the enormous paws of the animal.
Saints. Shit.
And all that separated us was the measly chain-linked fence? Tigers weren't even native to Italy!
A heavy hand landed on my shoulder. I winced and screamed again, suddenly jumping up and whirling around.