Page 53 of Sinfully Loved
She laughed. "No one will ever be me. And I don't think she aspires to be. Tell me you haven't grown at least a little fond of her, Vincenzo."
I closed my eyes so I could sink into her soft touches. "I hate her," I mumbled, leading to Rina laughing again, making me feel her fingernails on my back.
"And now you're lying."
"I swore to be faithful to you until death do us part," I growled.
"But I am dead,cuore mio, and I want to see you happy. You deserve it. Punishing yourself will not bring me back to life. No matter how much you wish it."
I felt the blows I was still giving the guy in front of me, losing strength.
Did she know that she was ripping my heart out again? The first time with her death and now again by telling me to forget her.
"Rina …" I pleaded, a fucking lump in my throat.
I wanted to hold her, but her appearance was just smoke and mirrors. She touched me, but I could not get hold of her, no matter how hard I tried.
"It's time, Vincenzo. You need her now more than you need me." It didn't even sound like she regretted that.
With the next blow, I was back to reality, away from the safe place I appreciated so much in my mind. Anger welled inside me, so I grabbed the chair and hurled it and the guy against the cellar wall.
The chair splintered, and the guy went down unconscious. I yelled a curse, stomped out of the room, and locked the metal door behind me. Let him rot, for fuck's sake!
Seething further inside, I trudged upstairs to my office, locked the door behind me, and proceeded with the destruction. I cleared the desk in a single movement, only to throw the controller into the TV. The chair behind my desk broke as soon as I hurled it against the wall. The armchair was not spared either. The windows were broken.
I didn't stop when I felt pain shooting through my body, and not even when I realized that tears were running down my face as Rina had broken my heart a second time.
And all because of this witch.
* * *
Anger didn't begin to describe what I read on Amedea's face when, at some point, she pushed open the door to my office and leaned on the frame with her arms folded.
I had locked it, hadn't I?
Her gaze slid over the destruction I had wrought, in the midst of which I still stood. She said nothing. However, the disappointment in her eyes said much more than words could have.
I bit my tongue, crossed my arms, and turned fully in her direction. This gesture alone felt like I was facing the end boss.
Rina's words still floated through my mind, and yet I could not look at Dea properly or stutter a word of apology.
She probably didn't want to hear them either.
"You could have at least shown enough decency not to leave me there alone." Was all she said after a few minutes.
I had no answer to that. My brain had stopped and decided to flee instead of fight. Apparently, I was just learning to master the talent ofmaking wrong decisions.
"I don't know what's gotten into you, but you'd better start cleaning up and figure out something for the windows," she said, nodding toward the frames where the glass had been sitting a short time ago. "It's supposed to rain this afternoon. The best thing to do is to call Fiero. Maybe he'll help you. Because I'm not going to do it."
I didn't know what was worse. The rejection in her voice or that she didn't let on how upset she was because of my misbehavior.
"Good idea," I muttered, even though I had no idea how to explain the mess to Fiero without being called crazy.
"Are you going to destroy any other things, Enzo?" She looked directly at me. Her arms crossed protectively in front of her chest.
She wasn't alluding to the furnishings or the house. I swallowed. Was she petrified I might hurt her? Was this about what stood between us? Damn it. I had gotten too deep into this shit to come out unscathed.