Page 61 of Sinfully Loved
So I took the lead and fucked her through her orgasm until I came too.
After a few seconds, I took the hand from her mouth and released the other from her hair. I pulled my pants up and straightened myself. Then I bent down to pick up her torn panties, pulled them up over her feet, and tied a small knot on the torn fabric so the piece continued to serve its purpose.
Before lifting Amedea from the countertop, I leaned in for a kiss.
Although I tried not to constantly think that Enzo and I had fucked in the fucking kitchen fifteen minutes ago, the entire carousel of my thoughts was continually spinning around it.
Heat gathered in my extremities because I couldn't get over the idea that the others knew exactly what we had been up to. At the same time, you couldn't tell anything from either of us. Not everyone who disappeared from a party for a few minutes had sex. Did they?
When my father came toward us this time, there was no escape. Enzo was on my left, while Emilio and Flavia had taken up positions on my right. Dario was also nearby.
It felt like my father was stepping in front of the triumvirate that consisted of the three de Archard brothers.
"Apparently, I finally got lucky enough to speak with my daughter," he said once he was face to face with us.
Vincenzo gave a snort, one hand placed loosely on my lower back. All I could think of was how he had wrapped my hair around it to get a better grip.
"No one stopped you from taking the twenty steps in our direction, Taddeo," Emilio kindly pointed out. Only once had we actively run away from him – and the desire to feel Vincenzo's hard cock inside me had prevailed. I could hardly be blamed for that.
"I still think it's overly pompous to have a party for this purpose."
"What purpose?" Emilio had taken over the conversation, and neither Vincenzo nor I had any objections.
"Proving to me that our widower here is still capable of using his cock."
Instead of blushing, I felt anger flow through my body. From the very beginning, that had been his biggest concern – that this shitty marriage that was supposed to benefit him wouldn't come to fruition.
The joke was on him, however, because I was probably the only person who enjoyed the benefits of this connection.
"A most inappropriate statement, Taddeo," Emilio replied calmly. Where did this level-headedness come from? Usually, that was the kind of comment that made the brothers roll up their sleeves and start a fight. Figuratively speaking, at least.
"I don't think so. Actually, there's a lot more to say about that."
"You better watch your tongue if you're attached to it," Dario spoke up, his voice was absolutely emotionless. His posture had changed from casual and relaxed to belligerent in a split second.
The only one who remained absolutely calm and didn't let my father's comments drive him crazy was Vincenzo. I wondered why.
Cautiously, I looked in his direction however, not the slightest emotion could be read on his face.
"We all know that under other circumstances, you would go down as a serial killer." My father could dish. But could he also take it?
Vincenzo took his hand off my back to cross his arms in front of his chest. "And we all know that our government doesn't like to see businessmen promoting piracy in the Mediterranean. So I took the liberty of dropping subtle hints to some of my contacts."
"It's not too late to pull out of these projects." Emilio pointed out.
"If I ever hear you threatening the women of our family again, or I overhear you looking at them askance, I'll be happy to demonstrate to you in a private, one-time performance to see just how much of a serial killer I really am." Dario had taken a step forward to deliver his message even more clearly.
A thin smile formed on Enzo's lips. "I can only agree with my brothers. As for your daughter… Dea is a de Archard now. Everything that belongs to us belongs to her. The assets, the network, and the families loyal to us. If you threaten her in the future, it will be an affront to us. If I hear such disgusting statements from your mouth again, we will punish it as treason."
Surprised, I looked at Enzo. No one could tell me that this demonstration had not been planned. The families present, the three brothers working together. My heart almost stopped, I was so touched by this gesture. Even if it was not only for me but also for protecting the family and the entire empire that Enzo and Emilio had built over the years.Merda. I had not expected something like this from Enzo.
Even after the brief conversation earlier, I didn't expect him to really be interested in me or concerned about what the tense situation with my dad meant.
My gaze darted in my dad's direction and every last bit of anger had disappeared from his face. Now he was just pale because he had become aware of what everything just said meant for him.