Page 81 of Sinfully Loved
I took up a position between him and the women. With my arms crossed, I waited for him to move away, but he stopped and stared past me. I didn't need telepathic abilities to know what was going on in his head.
He thought about how he could hurt her. How he would get past me to harm this woman and her child, and the only thing standing in between was me. I saved the warning commentary and waited for him to moved because that gave me a reason to grab him by the collar and beat the crap out of him.
But he pulled himself together, observed only from a distance, and wallowed mentally in his intention.
If we left Maria alone, she would become his next victim in no time. A fact that was not up for debate in any case.
Behind me, Amedea whispered with the young woman. No matter what it was about, I was sure we had to get them to a safe place tonight.
I made a decision, turned away from the guy and went to Amedea, grabbed her hand, and pressed the Sián's keys into her hand. "Get out of here. Take these two somewhere safe. No police."
She knew how this went, yet she looked at me in surprise.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of the problem." At this, I looked meaningfully at Maria. If she understood, understood on a deeper level, she would get in that car and never look back.
Relieved, I noticed that she let Amedea lead her to the car and got in on the passenger side. Through the windshield, I briefly looked at Dea, who gave me a small smile.
However, concern also drew her face, and it was not for herself or the other woman but solely for me.
I had already done something like this hundreds of times.
I wheeled around and grabbed the guy by the back of the neck and pulled him away from the car, whose engine was now howling. "I think you'd better forget them," I growled and flung him back.
He lost his balance and landed on the road, not on his feet but on his butt.
Amedea was no longer here, so there was nothing to hold me back.
I plucked him off the street and pushed him toward his house, not wanting onlookers or nosy neighbors who might end up alerting the cops.
My new buddy cursed loudly, resisted my grip, and tried, again and again, to tear himself away from me or to land a blow on me. In vain, of course, because I kept the distance between us large enough, he had no chance to hurt me despite everything.
"Sucks to suddenly be messing with someone in your weight class, doesn't it?" I growled as soon as I had pushed him through the front door and locked it behind us.
"How dare you! " He spat in front of my feet.
Amused, I stared at him. "I know your dirty little secrets: the rapes, the murders. I know every detail. And it's no coincidence that I'm standing here tonight."
"I have no idea what you're talking about," he hissed, bumping into the dresser behind him.
In one swift motion, he yanked open the top drawer, rummaged through it… and was staring down the barrel of my gun when he turned back in my direction.
"Wouldn't recommend it," I said in an emotionless voice, gesturing for him to drop his weapon if he wanted to survive the next five seconds.
He was pathetic. He hadn't even managed to take the safety off his gun. I could have shot him three times already.
So he was also a lousy criminal.
"I bet you feel like a real meanie. Powerful. Ruthless. The king. Yet you basically pick people who can't defend themselves or are vulnerable. That is, above all, cowardly. No wonder your knees are shaking."
Satisfied, I watched him drop the gun. It landed at his feet, and he pushed it toward me. I left it there. After all, he had done, I would certainly not give him a quick, merciful death. No, on the contrary. He would suffer, insofar as possible, in a densely populated area like this, without drawing too much attention to myself.
"Let's take a quick trip to the kitchen," I said, motioning for him to go ahead.
As soon as we got there, I pulled the knife block from the kitchen island in my direction, took out the biggest one, and shoved it at him. "I want you to chop off your pinky, or I'll shoot you in the balls."
"You can't do that, man!" he groaned in shock.
I could. And I would. Only he certainly did not suspect that.