Page 10 of The Art of Kissing
“Yeah, I totally agree. But I have a feeling it’s going to be super complicated,” I whisper, hoping Hunter can’t hear us.
“It will be,” Jaxon agrees. Then he pauses, wetting his lips with his tongue as he casts a glance at Hunter before looking back at me. “I think you’re the key, though.”
“Really?” I say with skepticism.
He nods, strands of his inky black hair falling into his eyes. “Yeah. I’ve seen him squirm a few times around you.”
“One time was when we were talking about Katie.”
“Oh yeah, I kind of remember that,” I say. “I just don’t know why.”
Jax just offers me a small smile then gives my hand a squeeze. “I’ll think of something, but right now, let’s just focus on getting you set up for the night.”
“I agree,” Hunter intervenes. “And FYI, the next time you guys try to have a private conversation about me, you might want to try it someplace private.” He chuckles to himself as we start down a hallway that’s at the top of the stairs.
“Laugh all you want,” I mock as I follow him, “but you’re so going down.”
“You know what, even if I do, it might be worth it,” Hunter quips as he slows down in front of a closed door.
“Why’s that?” I ask, slowing to a stop with him.
“Because you seem happy plotting this,” he explains, meeting my gaze. “And if getting my ass handed to me means you continue to be happy, then I’m down with that.” He smiles at me, and it’s a real smile, not even an ounce of playfulness evident.
I’m oddly touched and am about to say something that might make me sound like a softy, but he distracts me by opening the door.
“You’re palace, pretty Raven.” He unloops his arm from mine and gives an exaggerated gesture to the room while bowing.
I giggle, to which he responds with the biggest grin ever.
“I like seeing you smile,” he tells me. “And I think Jax does, too.” He glances at Jax, and I instinctively follow his gaze.
He’s already looking at me with a strange expression on his face.
“Yeah,” he says quietly, his gaze carrying mine. “She’s—It’s beautiful.” He blinks then, his cheeks turning a little bit pink.
I would find it adorable, except mine are feeling a bit warm myself.
“Did you two seriously just blush at the same time?” Hunter questions amusedly. “That’s seriously the cutest thing I’ve ever seen, BFF—or should I say, BFFs.”
Jax lets out a heavy sigh then steps into the room, pulling me with him.
The room is average-sized, with dark hardwood floors, blue walls, and a king-sized bed and matching dresser. On the left wall is a doorway that appears to lead to a bathroom, and another doorway is to the right that looks like it goes to a closet. Framed photos line the walls, pictures of landscapes, cities, and a window covered with rain, all of which I’m guessing Hunter took.
“We can paint the walls a different color, if you want,” Jax says as he steers me into the middle of the room.
“The blue’s fine,” I assure him. “Are you sure you want me to stay in here? I mean, whose room is this even?”
“It’s a guest room,” Hunter explains, leaning against the doorframe, watching me with his arms crossed and an unreadable expression on his face.
“Oh.” I chew on my bottom lip. I can feel it, deep down inside me, something I haven’t felt in a long time.
I want to stay here.
In this room.