Page 12 of The Art of Kissing
Did I seriously just tell him I’ve never kissed a guy before?
I have to give Jax an award, though, because he doesn’t look at me like I’m the freak that I am. He does, however, look surprised.
“No one’s ever kissed you before?” he asks, resting his hand on my waist.
With my lips pressed together, I shake my head.
Jax pauses for a beat, making me wish I could read minds. “Do you want me to kiss you again?”
I could say no.
I should say no … right?
Honestly, I kind of want him to kiss me. I have wished for a while that I could know what kissing a guy felt like. And Jax is sweet, kind, gorgeous, and he saved me. So, if I’m going to have my first kiss with someone, why not him? Yeah, I know he’s way out of my league, but I’m not going to pass up the opportunity. Plus … I don’t know … I felt this weird sense of familiarity when he kissed me, just a slight pull at my mind, but it’s enough to have me curious to see what happens if he kisses me again.
“Yeah.” The word just sort of slips off my tongue.
He seems a bit surprised, but the look quickly vanishes as he nods. He doesn’t say anything, simply wiggling his hand from mine. Then he tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear and, with that intense look in his eyes, he leans in and brushes his lips against mine.
Warmth floods my body, along with the sensation of familiarity. I try to figure out why, but all thoughts vacate my mind as he kisses me again, this time parting my lips with his tongue. I gasp, grasping onto him, my legs feeling like they’re going to buckle.
I’m not sure if he senses my inability to stand, or if it’s just coincidental, but as if he knows, Jax slips his arm around my back so he’s holding me up. Then he kisses me deeper, our tongues tangling together. I struggle to breathe. Struggle to think. Struggle to do anything really.
I hope I’m not messing this up.
Jax kisses me one last time before pulling back. His eyes are wild, and his lips part. “I’ve wanted to do that—”
“So, I just received a weird text from Zay.” The sound of Hunter’s voice interrupts us.
Jax immediately steps back, pulling away from me and leaving me feeling like I have cooties or something. Then he drifts his gaze toward the doorway. I look over there, too, right as Hunter walks into the room.
He’s looking down at his phone as he enters. “He says we got an invite to a party Saturday night …” He trails off as he glances up at Jax and me. Then his gaze skates between the two of us, and a confused look crosses his face. “Okay, what’d I miss?”
“Nothing,” Jax says quickly, too quickly. Then he rakes his fingers through his hair and shifts his weight.
If he’s trying to look suspicious, then he’s totally exceeding. What I don’t get, though, is why he’s acting sketchy.
Hunter stares at Jax for an unnerving amount of time while Jax focuses on anything but him.
Finally, Hunter gives up and enters the room. “Whatever. Keep your secret for now.”
Jax lets out a relieved sigh then elevates his gaze to Hunter. “So, whose party is it? I’m guessing someone interesting if you’re telling us about it.”
“It’s Brody.” Hunter scratches his wrist. “He invited basically everyone at our school, including rival families.”
A crease forms between Jax’s brow. “That’s fucking weird. Why would he do that?”
“I’m not sure.” Hunter chews on his bottom lip. “However, Zay thinks it might have something to do with this game.” He flicks a glance at me. “And if that’s the case, then that could mean he was behind the bridge incident with you, princess.”
“But I don’t even know a Brody,” I point out.
“I know. But he knows us and he’s very good at gathering intel, which means he probably found out you were hanging out with us the moment Zay made that scene in the classroom with you,” Hunter replies with a heavy sigh. “We really do need to take you around and show you all the people that are part of the families.” He steps toward me. “If it is Brody that pushed you off the bridge, this party could be the perfect opportunity for you to try confirm that.” Just like Jax did moments ago, you know, right before he kissed me, Hunter sweeps a strand of my hair from out of my face and tucks it behind my ear. “If you don’t feel comfortable going, though, we won’t force you.”
“No, I can handle it,” I assure him. “I want to find out who did this to me and make them pay.”
He offers me a smile, seeming kind of proud. I smile back, pretending I’m exactly who he’s proud of. But the truth is, I’m kind of scared. And worried. And a hell of a lot confused. So, you know, just a normal day in the life of Ravenlee.
Le sigh. Why does life have to be so complicated?