Page 17 of The Art of Kissing
I furrow my brows at her last words. Why can’t I get my stuff?
I guess it doesn’t matter. At least I can spend the night.
I hand the phone back to Hunter. “She’s cool with it.”
Relief cascades across his pretty features. “Good. I was starting to get worried there for a moment that I was going to have to blackmail her tonight instead of tomorrow.” He smiles as he pockets his phone. “Not that I have a problem with either. I just prefer to be a little bit more prepared.”
I smile at that. “Well, you can prepare for another day because, tonight, we’re good. Although, she said I can’t come home to get my clothes. But since the outfit I’m wearing was washed, I should be fine.” I crinkle my nose. “Although, these shorts are going to be a pain in the ass to sleep in.”
He sinks his teeth into his bottom lip as he considers something. “You can borrow a shirt of mine to sleep in, if you want.”
“Okay. Yeah, I think I might take you up on that offer,” I tell him gratefully.
He continues to stare at me with his teeth sunk into his lip.
Growing self-conscious, I rub my face and smooth my hands over my hair. “What’s up? Do I like have something on my face or something?”
He shakes his head. “Nah. I’m just thinking about some stuff.” He stares at me for a slamming heartbeat longer before standing. “So, since you’re gonna be spending the night, I think we should do something fun.”
I stand up with him. “On a school night?”
He shrugs. “Sure. Why not? We don’t have any parental supervision to tell us not to. Plus, most of us are eighteen, except for you. But, since we’re babysitting you for the night, you have to do what I say.” Grinning, he playfully tugs on a strand of my hair.
I can’t help but chuckle at him—he’s so amusing. “So, what am I supposed to do, then, boss?”
Right then, Jax enters the room. Hunter’s smile fades a smidgeon as his gaze strays to him. I turn to look at him, too, worry stirring inside me at the apprehension on his face.
“Are you okay?” Hunter asks him cautiously.
Jax nods, stuffing his hands in his pocket. “I think so.”
He looks at me then. “I owe you an apology, though.” He steps closer to me. “I didn’t mean to try to be controlling. I just panicked.” He inches even closer until the tips of our boots brush. “I just want to make sure you’re safe, that’s all.”
“I will be,” I promise. “But, if it makes you feel better, you can call in and check on me all the time.”
“Okay.” He releases an uneven exhale. “Can you carry some pepper spray on you, too?”
“That sounds reasonable,” I tell him then smile, hoping to get him to smile. “And if all else fails and I do get into some trouble, I promise I know how to throw a mean right hook.”
He smiles, but it’s a bit forced.
I rack my brain for a way to cheer him up, but Hunter beats me to the punch.
“I have an idea that will cheer you up,” he says, stepping up beside me but looking at Jax.
Jax tears his gaze off me and looks at Hunter. “What?”
“Let’s have a slumber party,” Hunter replies with a grin.
Thinking he’s joking, I snort a laugh.
His eyes glitter with mischief as he looks back at me. “Laugh all you want, pretty Raven, but I’m being completely serious.”
I cock a brow at him. “You want to have a slumber party tonight?”
He gives an exaggerated nod. “Yep. We’re going to braid each other’s hair, do our nails, play truth or dare, and have pillow fights.”
I giggle. Yes, me, Ravenlee, actually freakin’ giggles, and Hunter grins, looking totally pleased with himself.