Page 26 of The Art of Kissing
“Stay in the car, okay, Raven,” my mom would say to me. “Your father doesn’t want you seeing him like this.”
I’d nod, and then I’d end up being left in the car for quite a while, sometimes hours. To this day, I have no clue why or what my mom was doing in there for so long. Perhaps drinking, too. Although, she never seemed super wasted when she came out.
“Your dad was an alcoholic, then?” Hunter asks cautiously.
I shrug. “I don’t know. I never saw him like that, but I also wasn’t old enough to really understand what was going on.”
I can feel the wound on my side throbbing as I think about the past. About my parents and the blood that was on my hands that night.
Hunter bobs his head up and down as he studies me. “That sucks that you had to deal with that.”
“Yeah … Although, I can barely remember sometimes.” I grow quiet as I think about the random memories that have been coming to me lately, ones that may include the guys. I’m not even sure if they’re memories or if I’m just crazy.
The guys remain quiet for a moment as they glance around the parking lot, I assume looking for Benton’s truck.
Jax assesses the building with a frown on his face. “Should we go in, or do you just want to text him?”
“Let me see where he’s at.” Hunter digs his phone out of his pocket then sends a text.
“There’s his truck.” Jax points at a red, lifted trunk that looks brand new and stands out big time in the parking lot filled with beat-up vehicles.
“He says to come in through the back.” Hunter wavers. “Which more than likely means he’s playing a game and is up.”
“He’s gambling?” I ask as Hunter stuffs his phone back into his pocket.
“Yeah, he does that sometimes.” Hunter blows out a weary sigh. “He’s actually gotten into a lot of trouble with it … We think that’s why he’s still working for Zay’s father. But that’s just speculation.”
They grow quiet as a large dude with no shirt on staggers in front of the car, chugging from a bottle of whiskey.
Jax frowns at the man. “Maybe I should stay out here with Raven.”
“You know it’s just as bad out here as it is in there,” Hunter reminds him as he unfastens his seat belt. “We might as well all go in.” He flashes us a grin. “Besides, tonight is all about adventure, remember?”
“I guess so.” Jax looks about as unenthusiastic as one can get.
“Don’t worry, Jaxon,” I tease in an attempt to lighten the mood. “I’ve been in sketchy bars before. I can protect you if shit goes bad.”
“You’re such a little smartass,” he mutters with a ghost of a smile on his pretty lips.
That has me smiling, too. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“Good. I meant it as one.” He removes his arm from behind me and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, his demeanor seeming more upbeat.
My lips threaten to turn upward into a huge-ass smile, but that fades when I note Hunter is observing us with a pucker at his brow. When he notices me noticing him, he quickly plasters on a grin.
“Ready to have some fun, baby?”
I roll my eyes and pretend to vomit, but that just makes him laugh. Then he hops out of the car and bumps the door closed.
I turn toward Jax, waiting for him to get out so I can, but he doesn’t budge; just stares at me.
“What’s wrong?” I ask worriedly.