Page 36 of The Art of Kissing
My breath catches in my throat. Then, through the fogginess in my mind, a voice whispers at me that maybe I should lean back from his touch. I’m not sure, why—the fogginess is too thick.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispers, and my breath catches again. He parts his lips … but then he sighs, lowering his hand. “And here comes Dad to ruin our fun.”
“Wait … your dad’s here?” I’m so confused.
An instant later, headlights illuminate across the driveway.
I look back through the rear window and spot Zay’s car pulling into the driveway. Apparently, Dad means Zay. I realize then that the guys never use their garage. I wonder why but don’t get the opportunity to ask as Hunter climbs out of the car.
I follow suit, sliding to the edge of the seat and getting out. As I stand up, I become aware that I’m a tad more drunk than I thought, but nothing I can’t handle. Hunter must disagree, since he rounds the front of the car, comes up beside me, and slips his arm around my back.
Zay hops out of his car then makes his way toward us, the chain that dangles from his belt loop jingling.
The closer he gets to where we’re standing close to the porch light, the more I can make out his features … and the fresh cut across his face.
“Did you get into a fight?” I ask, leaning my weight into Hunter.
He studies me closely. “Are you drunk?”
I glance around like the answers are hidden in the bushes somewhere. “Um … maybe?” I return my gaze to Zay.
Zay looks at Hunter. “What the hell is going on? Where did you guys go?”
Hunter hesitates, and right at that precise moment, Jax stumbles out of the bushes, startling Zay enough that he jolts.
“Shit,” Jax curses as he trips over a bush and nearly falls on his face. He manages to regain his balance, though, and walks over to us.
“So, you’re all drunk?” Zay shakes his head, clearly annoyed.
“I’m not … yet,” Hunter offers. “But only because I was DD.”
Zay crosses his arms. “Who did you get the alcohol from? Because I’m assuming that’s where you went.”
Hunter tenses, which makes me tense.
Zay glares at Hunter and says in a cold tone, “You got it from my brother, didn’t you?” He doesn’t wait for Hunter to respond. He just storms toward the house.
“Before you get too pissed off,” Hunter calls out after him, “you should know that some guy in the bar started a fight so he could grab Raven.”
Zay slams to a halt a few feet from Jax, his back stiff. Slowly, he turns around, his expression unreadable. “What?” He bites out the word.
“It’s fine,” I feel the need to say. “He just wanted to give me a card that’s to, like, this secret club or something that supposedly has answers to my past.”
When Zay’s gaze slides to me, I regret even open my mouth. But I wouldn’t be me if I backed down, so I open my mouth to tell him to chill out when thunder suddenly booms from the sky. It’s so loud that I jump.
“It’s okay,” Hunter tells me. “It’s just a little storm. One that totally came out of nowhere.”
I peer up at the now dark sky right as a bolt of lightning zaps across the sky. I jump again, but I can’t help it.
From the memories I can recall, every time a violent storm rolls in, something bad happens. I either break my arm falling off a swing set, get lost in the woods, or my parents die. And those are just the things I remember. Who the hell knows what else has happened in my hidden memories?
“We should get inside,” Hunter mumbles but starts backing up. “Let me grab the alcohol.” He jogs to the car, puts all the bottles in the bag, then slings the handle over his shoulder and returns to my side. Then he grabs my hand and starts forward, pulling me with him.
Zay and Jax follow, and the four of us head up the path to the house. We make it halfway before the rain starts showering down and have to take off at a run, barreling onto the front porch. Zay hurriedly unlocks the door, and then we rush inside the house.
“Just a little storm, my ass,” I comment at the sound of rain hammering down on the roof and the thunder booming from outside.
Hunter grins as he sets the bag onto the foyer floor and shucks off his hoodie. “Honeyton has killer storms.”