Page 8 of The Art of Kissing
The way everyone’s gaze strays toward me makes me wonder if by everybody, he means me.
“I know it doesn’t seem like it,” I feel the need to say, “but I am tough. I was just too outnumbered and caught totally caught off guard. I’ve been in my fair share of fights and I can hold my own. My dad, he taught me how to fight at a young age, so …” I shrug, my stomach tightening a bit at the mention of my father.
“No one’s doubting your toughness, pretty Raven,” Hunter assures me. “We just want to make sure you’re safe, especially since we’re the ones who brought you into this mess.” He gives a short pause. “And I swear I’m not bringing this up because I think you’re weak, but maybe it would be beneficial for Zay to start training you to fight. I mean, if your dad taught you some stuff already, then he could just add to that knowledge.”
I flit my gaze to Zay, who’s staring at me with a frown on his face and his arms crossed. Out of all the guys, I’m not surprised he’s the fighter of them, with his broodiness and everything. It’s not even that. He’s more muscular than Jax and Hunter, and he has scars on his face and knuckles that resemble battle wounds. I would know since my dad had some of his own. However … “I like the idea and everything,” I say, looking back at Hunter, “but maybe it’s better if someone else taught me.”
“You afraid me?” Zay asks with a challenge in his tone.
I snort a laugh as I look back at him. “Not at all. I’d just rather not be trained to fight by someone who I’m pretty sure doesn’t care if I get beat up.”
He makes a big show of rolling his eyes. “Why the hell would I not train you properly? If we get into a fight with another group, I don’t want to have to worry about you.”
“Gee, thanks,” I say dryly. “Whatever. I don’t mind polishing up my already awesome fighting skills.” I smirk haughtily.
He just stares at me, unimpressed.
Hunter chuckles under his breath, while Jax cracks a smile.
“You know what I think?” Hunter starts when the sound of thunder booming from outside cuts him off. It’s followed by another and another. Just outside the window, the sky lights up with blazing streaks of silver and blue lightning.
I tense. I hate storms. Like full-on, can’t stand the sound of thunder, hate storms. I can’t help it. The sound reminds me of that awful day.
The day I might have killed my parents.
“Guess the sky shared my thoughts exactly,” Zay remarks as he rises to his feet. “I’ve got some shit to do tonight so, if everyone’s cool with this plan, I’m going to take off.”
“Where are you going?” Hunter wonders with his brows creased.
“I already said—shit,” Zay replies evasively as he heads for the door. “I’ll see you guys in the morning.” He exits the house, and then no one really says anything.
Finally, I can’t take the silence anymore.
“He’s going to be gone all night?” I ask, glancing at Hunter and Jax. “Or is he just planning on getting home late?” As soon as I ask, I realize something. “You know what? Never mind. It’s none of my damn business.”
“You’re fine,” Hunter assures me, tearing his gaze off the door. “You live here now, so you can totally ask us questions. However …” He wavers, trading a glance with Jax. “Zay’s night life is a bit complicated. For now, I think we should focus on the biggest complication.”
“Which is?” I wonder.
Hunter smiles softly while tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. “Moving your beautiful ass in here.”
“Did you seriously just refer to my ass as beautiful?” I question with an arch of my brow.
He gives a shameless nod. “I did, and it’s the truth.”
“Dude,” Jax says, giving Hunter a pressing look.
Hunter looks at him and shrugs. “What? It’s the truth, and I know you agree with me.”
Jax doesn’t argue, his cheeks flushing ever so slightly. I have seen him blush before, and it’s the cutest thing I have ever seen. Right now, though, my cheeks are feeling a bit warm, too, due to the fact that Hunter and Jax basically just said I have a beautiful ass.
Jax flicks his gaze from me to Hunter. “Dude, why do you get off on embarrassing people?”
Hunter gives a lazy shrug. “I don’t know. Maybe because I don’t ever get embarrassed, so it fascinates me watching other people do it.”
I meticulously arch my brow. “You never get embarrassed?”
Hunter shakes his head, brushing a strand of hair out of his eyes. “Nope. Never.”