Page 103 of Never Falling
"I will take the job," I said. "It's a good opportunity, and the pay is amazing." I shrugged. "When exactly would I have to be in Brazil?"
"Last week." Travis threw his head back and laughed. There was a pleased expression on his face. "But seriously, as soon as possible, really."
"Okay." I nodded. "And accommodations? If there is someplace you have planned for me to stay or—"
"Figured we'd put you up in a hotel. Five stars, of course. And then you could find a house you wanted to rent for the first year. Of course, we would pay the rent. I was thinking up to ten thousand a month should be satisfactory."
"It sounds like it would be. I don't know what the prices are in Brazil, of course."
"Well, if you find something that you prefer and it's not in that range, we could talk," he said. "And then I figured you might want to purchase your own place after that. I mean, we can see how it goes."
"Sure," I said. "So you're seeing this as a long-term thing?"
"Yeah." He nodded. "South America and the African markets are where it's at right now. There is a lot of money to be made. A lot of rich investors from all over the world are trying to get into these markets."
"I know," I said, nodding. "I just... It's a lot, you know?"
He stared at me for a few seconds. "Are you a hundred percent sure you want to take this job?"
"Why do you ask that, Travis?" I was surprised by his question.
"I didn't get to be in the position I am now without being a very astute observer of people, and while you have accepted the position, you don't look ecstatic about it." He frowned. "In fact, you don't look very pleased at all."
"It's not that I'm not pleased. I think it's a great opportunity."
"Stop talking about opportunity." He shook his head, his blue eyes staring at me. "What's going on?"
"Nothing, I just... You know, my sister just moved to town, and Alice and—”
"Is there something between you and Alice?"
"No," I said quickly. I stared at him for a couple of seconds, not knowing how to expand upon that because there wasn't anything formal between us.
We weren't in a relationship. We weren't together in any way, yet I liked her. And the nights I'd spent with her had been amazing, and I wasn't quite ready to give that up. I wanted to see where a relationship between us could go, and if there could be a relationship. I didn't know. It just felt weird to have slept with her and be leaving so quickly. I almost felt like I was using her. Even though she hadn't said anything of the sort, and even though she'd been positive and supportive about my decision, it just felt like I was giving up what could be a potentially amazing opportunity. And…
"I'm very grateful that you thought of me for this role, Travis, and that I was your first choice. In fact, it couldn't have come at a better time, if I'm completely honest."
"Oh why is that?" He stared at me in surprise. "Don't tell me you've got some chick pregnant or something."
"What? No," I said, staring at him in confusion. "Nothing of the sort. It's just my dad's found himself in a predicament, and the pay raise will help me help him." I sighed. "You know how it goes sometimes."
"Oh no," he said, frowning. "What's he done?"
"Bad investments here and there. He didn't ask me or tell me, and now he's got himself in a pickle." I shook my head. "And while he's my dad, I've got to take care of him and—”
"How much money does he owe?" Travis said seriously.
"Over a million dollars," I said.
Not pulling any punches, Travis nodded. "That is quite a bit of money."
"Yeah." I shook my head and let out a deep sigh. "So as you can see, this job offer came at the perfect time."
"You're one of my best guys, Foster. You know that, right?" Travis stepped toward me.
"Thank you. I'm not just saying it to say it, so you don't have to thank me. You've made me a lot of money, and I pay you well, I believe."
"You pay me amazingly, Travis. I really appreciate it."