Page 109 of Never Falling
"Oh shit, I didn't even think about that," Rosalie said. "You think there's a good chance you could be his assistant?"
"I mean, I doubt it. I have no experience in finance, really, and he is the CEO. He will need someone with a lot of experience."
"Yeah, I think that, too," I said.
"But knowing my luck," Molly said, finishing her cappuccino and putting it back down on the table with a slam, "I will be his assistant because life hates me." She smiles. "I mean, it doesn't hate me that badly because I got the job, but if there was a way to make the job bad, it would be me being his assistant."
"Aw," I said. "I really hope that you're not, then." My phone started beeping, and I picked it up. I saw that it was Foster. He'd messaged to ask me what time I would be home for dinner.
I smiled at his text. We hadn't texted since we'd had sex for the first time. I wasn't sure why. Actually, that was a lie. I knew why. Things had been slightly awkward between us, but it was nice to know that things were getting back to normal. When he told me he was no longer going to Brazil, I'd been excited and wanted to jump into his arms. But he hadn't seemed excited. He'd been looking at me as if he was wary about how I would respond so I'd made sure that I didn't respond in a way that was too eager. Then he'd said he'd had to work, so I’d just watched TV and gone to bed.
I thought perhaps he'd want to make love with me that night, but he hadn't. In fact, the only time we'd made love since then had been when we'd watched a movie and we'd been on the couch and, well, one thing had led to another. But he'd gone to his bed, and I'd gone to mine, so I didn't really know where I stood now.
"Why are you smiling?" Rosalie said. "Who texted you?"
"Foster," I said, looking at her with an innocent expression.
"Oh boy. You're really into him if you're smiling at a text."
"What did he say?" Molly added.
"He just asked what time I'm going to be home for dinner."
"That's it?" Rosalie said. "Not even, 'Can I come and bone you?'"
"No, he would never text me anything like that," I said, laughing. "I guess maybe he wants us to have dinner together?"
"I guess so." Rosalie nodded. "So are you going to respond to him?"
"I guess." I quickly typed back. "I'll be home around six. You?"
He typed back immediately. "I'm actually home already. Was hoping you'd be here. Maybe we can have dinner together?"
"He wants to have dinner with me," I said, staring at them. "He's home already."
"Wow." Molly grinned. "That sounds promising."
Rosalie nodded. "Yeah, it does." She sighed. "This is weird territory for me because I want you to be happy, and I want you to be in a relationship because I know that's what you want. But I also know my brother, and he has a hard time committing. I don't even know how we would get him to commit."
"Maybe I just take it one day at a time?"
"Yeah, try that," she said. "Text him that you'll be back in a couple of hours, and let's see what he has planned for the night."
"Yeah. Maybe he's going to take me to dinner or make me dinner or—”
"He just wants to sex you up," Molly said, grinning, then looked over at Rosalie. "Sorry. Is that awkward if I talk about your brother that way?"
"Yes," Rosalie said quickly, laughing, "but it's okay." She looked over at me. "I sure hope my brother knows what he's doing, and I sure hope that you're happy, and I sure hope that this assistant/apprenticeship program is also everything you hope it's going to be."
"Me, too," I said. "I hope we don't get fired because we both exaggerated how into finance we are."
"Me, three," Molly said, giggling. "I don't need to get fired. This is the first job offer with a lot of money I've had in a long time."
Istared at the door, waiting for Alice to come home. I was excited to see her and to take her out to dinner. I wanted us to have a really romantic evening. I felt guilty about the fact that I'd slept with her without really pursuing her or taking her on amazing dates. She deserved better than that, and I knew I wanted to give it to her.