Page 16 of Never Falling
"Sir. I am helping other customers at this moment."
I looked around the completely empty store. "Yes, ma'am." I made my way to the corner of the store and looked at the XXX items. She hadn't been wrong. A pair of panties had a vibrator in the crotch area.Now that would be interesting, I thought to myself. Even though I wanted to make Alice's jaw drop, I didn't want her to think I’d completely overstepped the line.
A remote control went with the panties, and well, even though I thought it could be quite fun to operate the remote while she was wearing them, I didn't think she'd laugh at that at all. Another pair of panties had some beads hanging down the back, and I realized they were anal beads. Now that could be quite funny, though the discussion of anal sex really was something that most people had when they were in a relationship.
I looked to see if anything was sexy yet didn’t overstep the mark. And that's when I saw them, a pair of bright red, edible panties. Strawberry flavored. I bit down on my lower lip, knowing that this was right on the line. I picked up a pair of the panties, then walked over to the front and placed them on the counter. "I'll get these and the black ones I mentioned earlier."
"Okay, sir. And will you need anything else?"
"No, that's all, thanks."
"That will be seventy-five pounds, please."
"Seventy-five pounds?" I raised an eyebrow. "For a pair of panties that will no longer exist? And one with two skimpy pieces of material?"
"Seventy-five pounds, please sir."
"Okay, then. Do you take American Express?"
"We do." I pulled out my wallet and handed her my credit card. "Would sir like these wrapped in tissue paper?
"That would be great, thank you." I nodded. I watched as she swiped my card, then handed it back to me.
She grabbed a piece of black tissue paper and then wrapped the panties carefully, one at a time, before putting them in a small paper bag. "Thank you. Have a nice day."
"Thank you. I'm sure my..."
"I don't need to hear anymore, sir." She turned away, and I pressed my lips shut. I thought she'd at least be happy that she'd made a fairly high sale from me. But I suppose when one talked about cocks and balls, one was in a proper lady’s bad graces forever.
I exited the store and pulled out my phone. I took a quick photo of the bag and sent a text message to Alice.
Me:Got your gift. Bet you won't guess what I got you.
I pressed send and smiled to myself. It had been a really interesting trip. Though my work had been run-of-the-mill, emailing daily with Alice had felt really nice. I wondered if we would continue our exchanges or if there would be no need once I was back in the country. I'd miss seeing her name in my email box every morning.
I wondered if she enjoyed the emails as much as I did. We didn't write storybooks to each other, but it was a nice way to banter back and forth and stay in touch. I was looking forward to seeing her. I wouldn't hand her the panties until we were home alone. I was pretty confident that Rosalie would kill me and wouldn't think they were funny, even though I knew Oliver would laugh his head off. I'd wait till we got back to the apartment. Maybe right before bedtime, I'd knock on the door, and I'd hand them to her. I couldn't wait to see her face. In fact, I couldn't wait to see Alice, period. I'd missed her even though there was no way I would ever tell her that.
Ishouldn't have been this excited. It was illegal to be this excited, but I couldn't wait for Foster to get home. And I couldn't wait to see what present he'd gotten me.
When I heard a knock on the door, I jumped off the couch and almost went running. I took a couple of deep breaths and slowed my pace. I opened the door, and my face fell in disappointment as I saw it was just Rosalie and Oliver.
"Hey," I said, lifting my hand in a lackluster wave.
"Wow, don't sound so happy to see us." Rosalie laughed as she gave me a quick hug.
"Oh, I just thought you were Foster," I said quickly, though I wasn't sure that made it sound better.
"Why would Foster be knocking on the door?" Rosalie raised an eyebrow as she walked toward the fridge. "Can I grab a drink? I'm thirsty."
"Sure," I said, smiling at my best friend. "Hey, Oliver."
"Hi. Good to see you, Alice." He gave me a kiss on the cheek and a quick hug. I smiled at him, loving the way he looked at Rosalie as she went through the fridge. I’d never seen a man so in love before.
"You too. You're looking very happy today."