Page 23 of Never Falling
"Thank you," I said, nodding. "Anyway, I thought perhaps we could all go out tonight."
"We can go after the speed dating event." Rosalie nodded.
"I mean, unless you're trying to say you want to go out at six o'clock. I picked down at my lower lip. She knew I didn't mean we should go out at six o'clock.
"What sort of speed dating event is at six o'clock?" Oliver said, shaking his head.
"A speed dating event that wants you to still have the evening ahead if you meet someone you really click with." Rosalie grinned. "Tonight is going to be full of eligible bachelors. I signed us up already, so you can't say no. It cost me fifty dollars."
"What?" Alice said, "Fifty dollars?"
"Yes, so?" Rosalie looked at her watch. "I figure we finish eating, leave the guys to pay, and go get some new outfits. Then we head home and get ready."
"Rosalie, I don't know if this is a good idea," Alice said, shaking her head. "I'm not really in the..."
"It'll be fun, and remember, I'm not going for me. I'm going to figure out which guys I think would work for you, and then, at the end, I'll tell you the names of the guys I think you should match with."
"But won't I be on the speed dating event with them?"
"Alice"—Rosalie interrupted her—"you know you need my help. You have bad taste in guys, and well, I want to ensure you end up with a guy who deserves you, a really, really good guy, a guy who's not going to hook up with you and then just diss you and make you dye your hair an awful color of yucky green."
"Oh my gosh, Rosalie." Alice started laughing, but then she finally nodded. "Fine. I'll go. I guess it'll be fun." She reached to grab the french fries. "I would like to meet a nice guy."
I stared at her, disappointed. I'd wanted to give her the panties tonight. I'd wanted to see how she'd react, though maybe it was for the best. Maybe I didn't want to go playing with fire. Maybe I didn't want to go playing with Alice. I didn't want to complicate our friendship or our living arrangement. I certainly didn't want Rosalie to be upset or disappointed with me, though I couldn't stop thinking about the pair of edible underwear. A part of me had hoped I'd be able to eat them off her, though I knew that was just in my dreams.
"And don't worry, guys. We can all go dancing afterward," Rosalie said with a smile. "So there, Brother, you can be happy."
"Oh yeah," I said, rolling my eyes. "I'm so happy. Thank you."
"You look absolutely beautiful." Rosalie stared at me as I stood there in the ridiculously high heels she'd lent me. I was pretty sure I’d fall and break my ankle, and then I’d have to sue her for all the money she was worth. Which was about five hundred dollars. So yeah, that would suck.
"Girl, I look like an idiot." I look down at the sparkly gown I was wearing. "I feel like I'm going to prom."
"No, you're too old to go to prom." Rosalie laughed, ignoring my discomfort. "You look gorgeous."
"Girl, I'm totally overdressed for a speed dating event. You're wearing jeans and a T-shirt, and I look like a Miss America reject."
"If I could wear a stunning dress like you, I would. But Oliver is not happy I'm even going with you to this event. There's no way I could get really dressed up."
"Girl, I’m going to stick out like a sore thumb." I stared at my reflection and tried not to groan. I was definitely going to get attention. Though I knew it wouldn’t be the good kind.
"Yeah, you are. All the guys will be like, 'Who's that hottie'?" She walked over and grabbed the bronzer. "Okay, stand still. I'm just going to put some on your cheekbones to give you more definition."
"Girl, I'm not going to a red carpet event."
"Who knows? You might get spotted, and then maybe an agent will ask to sign you, and then you get a deal to be in a TV show or a movie. And then you'll be thanking me."
"Why do I think that's not going to happen tonight?" I stared at her in disbelief. She didn’t actually think that would happen, did she?
She shrugged. "I don't know, maybe because you don't have faith?"
"Maybe because the fact of the matter is it's very unlikely that any agent will see me and hire me to star in a TV show. More likely than not, I’ll feature in some documentary for adults dressing like teenagers or something weird like that."
"Girl, you look stunning. Let's go outside and see what the guys think."